- The company's product suffer from bad design. 該公司的產品因設計不佳而受損。
- This is bad design, as well. The telephone pole is now parallel to the frame. 設計差。電線杆與畫框平行了。
- Really not bad design and technic.It's the evangel of long Dao without fittings. 很不錯的設計與工藝;是沒了刀裝長刀們的福音.
- Gallery of a variety of previous 2.007 mechanisms to demonstrate good and bad design techniques. 展示多種以前的2.;007機械裝置以說明什麽是好的或壞的設計技巧。
- This can be useful to visually impaired people or for web pages that are unreadable due to bad design. 這對視覺受損的人或由於糟糕的設計而很難讀的網頁很有用。
- The point here is that using a string parameter to send XML across a Web service interface is generally considered bad design and should be avoided. 在這裡我要指出的是,使用字元串參數通過Web服務介面發送XML通常被認為是糟糕的設計,應該加以避免。
- A bad design of Visual Display Terminal(VDT) chair can cause some occupational diseases,so the evaluation of VDT chair is very important. 不良的VDT座椅設計會引發多種職業病,因此對於VDT座椅設計的評價尤為重要。
- Needing to use a constructor or a cast to convert an argument in a call to an overloaded function is a sign of bad design. 在調用重載函數時,需要使用構造函數或強制類型轉換來轉換實參,這是設計拙劣的表現。
- In some of usage environment, the engineering thermoplastics packaging case can cause stress concentration and cracking because of the bad design and processing technology. 摘要熱塑性工程塑料包裝箱由於設計和加工工藝不當,在各種使用環境中易導致產品應力集中而開裂。
- In some of usage environment,the engineering thermoplastics packaging case can cause stress concentration and cracking because of the bad design and processing technology. 熱塑性工程塑料包裝箱由於設計和加工工藝不當,在各種使用環境中易導致產品應力集中而開裂。
- This machine is of bad design. 這部機器設計很差。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 飲食不好可能引起皮膚粗糙。
- Once again we are absolutely atrocious in the post. This is the worst designed frontcourt in the NBA. Ferry should know these guys don't fit. 我們的內線再一次打得差勁之極,可以說這是整個NBA中最糟糕的前場組合,騎士隊總經理費里應該清楚,球隊的這個內線組合併不成功。
- When finalized, the investigation reports will clarify whether bad design, improper construction or simple failure to erect sufficiently large levees drowned New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. 調查報告完成後,我們就可知道造成紐奧良和墨西哥灣沿岸大淹水的主要原因,是設計不良、施工不夠周延,或者只是單純的損壞。
- A mathematical model method to evaluate good or bad design of farming systemreformbased on the theory of the unascertained rational number was introduced and used to guide agricultural production. 摘要以未確知有理數理論為基礎,給出了評價耕作制度改革方案優劣的一種數學模型方法,並用於指導農業生產。
- Bad design in TIRPITZ for a ship that was expected to have to fight against an enemy (Britain) that was always going to have numerical superiority, even if somewhat inferior in quality. 作為艦船提爾皮茨之所以有這樣的糟糕設計是因為德國人指望它能與即使質量稍為不及而數量上總是占多數的敵人(英國)相抗衡。
- Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an unexpected holiday. 不過,這也並非完全的不幸,你會享受到一次意外的休假。
- The bad news dampened our spirits. 這惡耗使得我們精神沮喪。
- The incident put her in a bad mood. 這件事使她心情很不好。
- He was so ill that two nurses attended on him. 他病得那樣重,有兩個護士照顧他。