- 對待女性的惟一方法是:假使她長得漂亮就追,若是長得不怎麼樣就追別的。The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her if she is pretty and to someone else if she is plain.
- 「若是我再聽見你們談論鬼怪,」他說,「我就打你們屁股。」If I hear any more about monsters," he said, "I'll spank you."
- 若是從五歲到二十歲,男子你要估定二十舍客勒,女子估定十舍客勒。If it is a person between the ages of five and twenty, set the value of a male at twenty shekels and of a female at ten shekels.
- 若是生非To incur unnecessary trouble
- 我很清楚,阿拉伯的進攻若是事先策劃好的,那麼任何外交努力都無濟於事。I knew that no diplomacy would work if an Arab attack was premeditated
- 假如, 若是on condition that
- 你若是那樣想, 就大錯特錯了.If you think that, you are gravely mistaken.
- 你若是想贏得這場比賽,最好提高一些敏捷度。You'd better whip up some keenness if you're to win the game.
- 若是為工作和勞役,生命就變得無盡的漫長。Were it for work and drudgery it would be endlessly long.
- 我若是借不到那筆錢,那就只好撐下去了。If I can not borrow the money I shall have to manage without .
- 我若是你,就不談這個問題。I should leave the question alone if I were you.
- 我若是再犯,該怎麼辦呢?What should I do if I have another attack?
- 你若是把一切都告訴斯坦利,那你就是在自找麻煩。You are borrowing trouble if you try to tell Stanley everything.
- 你若是想看這本書,我就寄一本來。If you wish to see the book,I'll send for one.
- 若是,請註明殘疾性質及程度.If yes, please indicate nature and degree of disability(ies).
- 若是先付鈔票,服務不會周到。Pay beforehand was never well served.
- 若是您願意立即訂購,請利用隨函所附的訂購單。You will find an order enclosed in case you wish to make an immediate order.
- 兩情若是長久時,有豈在朝朝暮暮。If love between both sides can last for age, why need they stay together night and way?
- 若是一雙拖鞋,你想象穿上它們。If it is a pair of sandals, you mentally put them on.