- The annual number of cold days in winter will have dropped from 21 days to less than a day. 每年冬季的寒冷日數則由21日下降到少於一日,冬季有八成機會再沒有寒冷日子出現。
- "Extreme cold,long frosts,heavy snows in winter and scorching days in summer are uncommon. 她的冬季通常不會極度寒冷,也不會出現長期的冰凍和大雪天氣。
- He keeps exercising all year around, even in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter. 他常年堅持鍛煉,冬練三九,夏練三伏。
- At Finland's northernmost point, the sun does not set for 73 days during summer, and does not rise at all for 51 days in winter. 芬蘭人性格內斂,行事低調,但實際上內心充滿民族自豪感,在全球化的今天並不隨波逐流,而是堅定的維護著自己的傳統文化。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 這裡冬天既不熱也不冷。
- He often dreams about his days in the countryside. 他常夢見在鄉下的那些日子。
- The rich people often migrate in winter to Florida. 有錢的人常在冬季搬遷到佛羅里達州去。
- They have to skimp on fuel in winter. 冬天他們得節省燃料。
- We expect cold days in winter . 冬季寒冷是預料中的事。
- He tarried for a few days in my house. 他在我家裡小住了幾天。
- Our idle days are Satan's busy days. 我們無所事事的日子正是撒旦忙碌的日子。
- He boggled at the thought of swimming in winter. 他想到要在冬天游泳就有些猶豫。
- In winter the weather vane often freezes up. 氣象風向標在冬季經常僵立不動。
- But tell of days in goodness spent. 都在說明一個善良的生命。
- The warm weather in winter has been a real bonus. 冬天有這樣暖和的天氣真是喜出望外。
- Many trees are leafless in winter. 很多樹冬天時就掉光了葉子。
- The great singer ended his days in poverty. 那位大歌唱家在貧困中度過殘生。
- I'm inclined to tiredness in winter. 我在冬天易於疲勞。
- She often harked back to her days in the countryside. 她時常談到在鄉下度過的那些日子。
- This woolen sweater may keep you warm in winter. 這件羊毛衫在冬天可以保暖。