- The deep study, welcomed patrons! 深具經念,歡迎惠顧!
- Lenin made a deep study of the works of Marx and Engels. 列寧深入研究了馬克思和恩格斯的著作。
- In the meanwhile, to provide a reference to the deep study of large caliber gun"s system design and equilibrator design. 同時也為大口徑自行火炮的總體設計及扭桿式平衡機方案的進一步細化提供一定的參考。
- Suggestion was given that we should develop FAQ based deep study of the users' psychology and behavior and a brief introduction was made to FAQ's design process. 主張要在充分研究用戶的心理和行為的基礎上開發和開展FAQ服務 ,並對FAQ的開發步驟做了簡要的介紹
- But while Pino gets pimped as a popstar, Asimo enjoys the perks7 of Honda』s deep pockets. 但是,小匹諾才剛剛嶄露頭角,本田公司卻已經為阿西莫的發展投入了大筆資金。
- It was Riley』s deep desire to take the coaching job back with Shaquille O』Neal on his roster. 這是萊利的深切願望,採取教練重返崗位與奧尼爾對他的名冊。
- Like Henry』s speech, the arrival of the formidable Elvish archers of the last minute, inspires the defenders of Helm』s Deep. 正如亨利國王的激昂言辭,強大的精靈弓箭手的及時趕到為海爾姆深谷的守軍注入強心劑。
- Helps you to learn how to create wealth in your life without a deep study of metaphysics or financial theories. 即使你不具備高深的金融知識,這本書也一樣能幫你致富。
- In 1996, IBM's Deep Blue became the first machine ever to win even a single game against the reigning world champion, Garry Kasparov. 在1996年,IBM的"深藍"計算機成為有史以來成為贏過衛冕世界冠軍卡斯帕羅夫一盤棋的首部計算機。
- It is theory base for deeply study and research to flavonoids. 為今後黃酮類化合物的深入研究提供理論基礎。
- Now, the study of PKM is more superficial, which is lack of the deep study systemically. 本文就是在這樣的背景下從理論層面上展開對個人知識管理的探討和研究。
- IBM's Deep Blue chess-playing supercomputer defeats Garry Kasparov in the last game of the rematch, becoming the first computer to beat a world-champion chess player. 甑慕裉歟琁bm的「深藍」國際象棋超級計算機在重賽中擊敗了格里·卡斯帕羅夫,成為首台打敗了國際象棋世界冠軍的電腦。
- Limited to the space, the thesis do no deep study on the standards that have small or no differences to IASs. 由於論文篇幅的限制,我國與國際會計準則的較小差異或基本相同的準則內容,本文沒有進行詳細比較,這將在我以後的研究中加以完善。
- These pictures of comet Tempel 1 were taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. They show the comet before and after it ran over NASA's Deep Impact probe. 這是由哈勃太空望遠鏡拍攝的一組撞擊前後坦普爾1號彗星圖片,點擊後放大可顯示高解析度圖片。
- Therefore, deep study of GFD in civil actions is of great theoretical value and practical significance. 因此,深入研究民事訴訟誠信原則具有重大的理論價值和現實意義。
- Contact was reestablished at 14:15 UTC (10:15 a.m.EDT) through NASA's Deep Space Network, and the team is collecting data to assess MESSENGER's performance during the flyby. 14:15UTC通過NASA深空網重建聯繫,同時小組開始收集數據用以評估信使號在飛越期間的表現。
- His deep study of Northeast China, Northwest history in China published a number of important articles. 他深研中國東北、西北民族的歷史,在國內重要刊物上發表許多文章。
- Abstract: Wei-Jin's deep affectionateness is an intellectual emotion that enaphasizes on the trans-life sensation which focuses on the harmony between human beings and cosmos. 文章摘要: 魏晉時期,伴隨著理性世界的轉變,人們的感性世界也發生了極大的變化,出現所謂的魏晉「深情」。
- Bezier curves have been widely applied to CAGD,and deeper study has been made. Bezier曲線已廣泛應用在CAGD上,其理論研究也更加深入。
- ESA』s deep space antenna in New Norcia, Australia received the signals, including images from Herschel as it separated from the Planck satellite below it. 歐空局的深空天線在新諾爾恰,澳大利亞收到的信號,包括圖像,因為它從赫歇爾脫離普朗克衛星下方。