- It was the end of all my hopes and dreams. 我的希望和夢想全都破滅了。
- Hopes and dreams keep the cold winter green. 希望與夢想;使酷寒嚴冬;依然綠意盎然.
- All your hopes and dreams can come true. 你所有的希望和夢想都能夠成真。
- And all our hopes and dreams are within rech. 我們所有希望和夢想都觸手可及。
- Link org vision and mission to hopes and dreams of individuals. 把組織的願景與任務,和個人的願望與夢想結合。
- All of our hopes and dreams could be dashed with a tiny mistake. 我們所有的希望與夢想會因一個小錯而破滅。
- She trashed her son's hopes and dreams to become a musician. 她貶低她兒子成為一個音樂家的夢想。
- This is our hope and dream of the future beloved. 這是我們對未來的希望和夢想,至愛的人類。
- As the youth, we are sanguine with hope and dream. 昨年此刻,我們揮別象牙塔。
- On a voyage of hope and dreams my heart to a place of love. 乘著希望夢想的風帆,讓心遠航到有真愛的地方。
- We spoke of our hopes and dreams as we dandled the baby on our laps. 我們一邊談著我們的希望和夢想,一邊在大腿上逗弄著孩子。
- But they have a common origin, that is, hopes and dreams of human instinct. 但它們有一共同的本原,這就是人類希望與夢想的本能。
- When hopes and dreams are far away and You feel like you can't face the day. 希望和夢想看起來如此遙遠,你覺得你無法面對每一天。
- We can live with hopes and dreams, or we can live with wishes and regrets. 我們可以在生活中充滿希望和夢想,或者充滿但願和遺憾!
- We often cast our hopes and dreams aside, and then experience feelings of disillusionment or emptiness. 我們往往會把希望和夢想撇在一旁,然後,去體驗理想破滅或空虛。
- In the following passage, Jackson reveals his hopes and dreams for the remake of a film that quite changed his life. 在接下來的文章中,傑克遜坦陳重拍這部電影一直是他的希望和夢想,這部電影改變了他的一生。
- Stone bench values also dash our hopes and dreams about lifelong learning down the lake,I mean,drain. 「長石椅式的價值觀」也會讓我們實現終生學習的希望和夢想成為泡影。
- When I joined the army even before the turn of the century. it was the fulfillment of all my boyish hopes and dreams. 我在世紀之交前就已加入軍隊,它滿足了我孩童時所有的希望和夢想。
- In this brief moment I became aware of the connection between these lawns and buildings and my hopes and dreams. 在這一瞬間,我意識到這些草坪和大樓與我的希望和理想息息相關。
- What were the hopes and dreams that had made of them the incredibly stubborn warriors? 是什麼希望,什麼目標,什麼理想使他們成為頑強到令人難以置信的戰士呢?