- The Cuban side makes the service. The hook float service. 古巴隊發球,發勾手飄球。
- Please arrange for a floating crane to discharge the heavy pieces on board. 請安排一台浮吊來卸船上的重件。
- The Floating Crane in the Java Sea south of Kalimantan, Indonesia, handles export coal from river barges to seagoing vessels. 適用於印度尼西亞加里曼丹南部的爪窪海的浮吊,用於運送用作出口的煤從岸邊的駁船到海船。
- With the Generation 5 Harbour Pontoon Crane, for operation on open seas, our successful Floating Crane technology has entered into new dimensions. 藉助第5代港口平底船起重機在寬廣水域的操作,我們的浮吊技術成功地應用入新的區域。
- Please swing the derricks at Hatch No.3 to the shoreside because our floating crane will come alongside to unload the heavy lifts. 請把三艙吊杆移到里檔,因為我們的浮吊要到外檔卸重件。
- The Confederation Bridge actually consists of65 separate sections which were each built on land and then moved into precise positions by a satellite-guided floating crane. 同盟橋實際上是建立在土地上,然後以衛星指導流動起重機搬進準確位置的65單獨部分組成。
- This paper introduced a new kind of installation method of modules called floatover,which do not need heavy float crane,but with three steps:First fix the modules on the barge. 此種安裝方式將安裝的組塊固定在駁船上,運輸組塊的駁船進入導管架,系泊穩定就位后通過駁船的升降設施將組塊荷載轉移到鋼樁即可。
- This paper introduces a method to obtain wind heeling moment and minimum capsizing lever, and shows how to apply them into criteria by an example of the intact stability calculation for floating crane in working condition. 本文以一條起重船的作業狀態的完整穩性計算為例,介紹了用NAPA軟體中的MACRO來求出風壓傾側力矩和最小傾覆力臂,並把它們應用到相應衡准中的方法。
- Except the basic characters of ZS2,ZS5187 container spreaders own the following characteristics:1.Equipped dual-rotating head,it is applicable to the floating crane and portal crane;2. 集裝箱吊具系列:ZS5187吊具具有ZS2系列吊具的基本特徵,還有以下特點:1配置了雙吊點旋轉頭,適用於浮式起重機和門式起重機;
- Compared with the heavy float crane method, TML has the advantages of shorter construction period, lower cost and serviceability in both shallow water and deep water, even in hostile sea condition. 經濟分析結果表明,TML與大型浮吊法相比,施工周期短,成本低,既能在深水區操作,也能在淺水區操作,還能在惡劣的海況條件下操作。
- Floating crane for cargo handling 裝卸用浮式起重機
- Floating crane for port-basic parameter series 港口浮式起重機基本參數系列
- The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time. 這一次老師放過他,只給了一個警告。
- We have many gantry \cranes\hoists\ on the wharves. We also have some floating cranes for heavy lifts. 我們碼頭前沿有許多龍門起重機,我們還有一些浮吊用於重件。
- The boxer let his opponent off the hook many times. 那拳擊手失掉了許多次擊敗對手的機會。
- See if you can hook it with this pole. 看看能不能用這根杆子把它撈起來。
- Designing a floating crane installation 移動式起重機船用安裝的設計
- Safety rules for port floating crane 港口浮式起重機安全規程
- These two pieces of the chain hook together. 這兩個鏈環套在一起。
- control system of floating crane 浮吊控制系統