- Welcome to the homepage of Viable Health Group! 歡迎來臨唯康補網站!
- Please visit our homepage of LZCC .And visit our class. 如果你想加入該班,請先註冊成為同學錄用戶!
- March Activities will be announced online. Please notice at the homepage of NCU Website, Student Affairs Website and BBS. 三、相關三月份行事曆活動更動將會上網公告,敬請同學注意中大首頁、學務處首頁暨宿舍BBS服務版公告。
- There is a new firmware update (Rev. 2.20) for the IC-7800 on the English homepage of the Icom Inc. website. 有一個新的固件升級(版本2.;20 )的集成電路, 7800的英文主頁上的國際博物館理事會的公司網站。
- Thereafter, Zhongbei Company published information on the (home page) homepage of its website targeting Putian Company and containing derogatory terms. 此後,中北公司在其網站的主頁上發布針對普天公司的、含有貶義辭彙的消息;
- A Homepage of School of Life Science and Technology, HUST. 華中科技大學·生命科學與技術學院。
- Welcome to the homepage of the Kawamata-cho used car shop! 歡迎光臨川俁町中舊汽車商店的主頁!
- It is the homepage of condensed matter physics research at Penn State Univ. 賓州大學凝聚態物質物理研究。
- This is the old homepage of Mackie Study, which doesn't have updates anymore. 這是阿麥書房舊版網頁,已經沒有更新了!
- Welcome to the homepage of the Northampton Chinese Christian Church. 歡迎到諾咸頓華人基督教會的主頁。
- Welcome to the Homepage of China Computer Graphics. Research Association. 光臨.中國計算機圖形學研究會主頁...
- Welcome to homepage of the Laboratory of Beijing Proton Linac, IHEP. 歡迎進入高能所北京質子直線加速器研究室的主頁.
- The consultation paper can be obtained from District Offices or downloaded from the homepage of the Security Bureau. 諮詢文件可向各區民政事務處索取,或在保安局網頁下載。
- The homepage of a web site usually has its characteristic design that is different from its content pages. 網頁的主頁通常有其特色的設計,與所屬的其他內容網頁不同。
- Three passport photos taken within the past six months(Please see photo guide on the homepage of the Swedish embassy). 三張六個月之內的近照,不合要求的照片將被退還,並有可能耽誤您的申請進程。(照片標準在瑞典駐中國大使館網頁)
- There is a link to the homepage of the International Environmetrics Society (TIES). 此外,還提供國際環境計量協會(TIES)的主頁鏈接。
- World-Aluminium.org is the homepage of the International Aluminium Institute (IAI). 這是英國國際鋁研究所(IAI)的主頁。
- Welcome to the homepage of the 15th Building and Real Estate Students' Society (BRESS). 歡迎光臨第十五屆建築及房地產學系會的網站。
- The plaintiff may modify the password of the personal homepage of 3D Sesame Street, upload files or delete files. 原告可修改個人主頁"3D芝麻街"的密碼,並可上載文件、刪除文件。
- It is the homepage of Department of Physics, Acadia University and it contains information about their faculty and resources they provided. 阿卡迪亞大學物理系。