- The interaction between user and expert system arising from the expert system's use. 使用專家系統而發生的用戶和專家系統之間的交互作用。
- For constructing the ES, expert system tool CM. 為了建立專家系統;應用了專家系統工具 CM.
- An expert system is a program which organizes and presents pre- existing knowledge. 專家系統是一套能夠整理並呈現既有知識的電腦程式。
- An expert system is a program which organizes and presents pre-existing knowledge. 專家系統是一套能夠整理並呈現既有知識的電腦程式。
- The optimizer is equivalent in function to an expert system. 優化器在功能上等價於一個專家系統。
- A fuzzy expert system for defect inspection of TFT-LCD is proposed. 摘要提出了一種基於模糊專家系統的薄膜晶體管液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD)缺陷檢測技術。
- Knowledge base system(KBS) is a core component of expert system. 知識庫是專家系統的核心組成部分。
- Expert System for Hydropower Plants Realtime Monitori ng? 要害詞:實時監控;專家系統;軟體;結構?
- Abraham Kandel, 」Fuzzy expert system」, CRC Press, Inc., 1992. 鄧聚龍,「灰色系統理論與應用」,高立圖書有限公司,1999。
- Design and management expert system of welding process for pressure. 化工。壓力容器焊接工藝制定與管理專家系統。
- It has great interest to establish Expert System (ES) for spot welding process. 建立點焊專家系統,對於實現點焊過程的智能化,優化點焊規範參數,降低對操作者的要求,提高點焊質量,具有重要意義。
- This expert system in clinic is applied,is obtained the good effect. 該專家系統已在臨床中應用,取得了良好的效果。
- This paper applies Case-Based Reasoning(CBR)to agriculture expert system. 該文將基於案例的推理方法CBR應用到農業專家系統中。
- The intelligent expert system on No.1 BF at Laiwu Iron and Steel Group Co. 介紹了萊鋼1號高爐開發應用智能控制專家系統的基礎自動化條件和計算機網路結構、信息網路化要求;
- An intelligence PID control algorithm based on the expert system was discussed. 討論了一種基於專家知識的智能PID控制演算法。
- The basic representation unit in most rule-based expert systems. 在大多數基於規則的專家系統中的基本表示單元。
- An expert system is a computer program that solves the specialized problems at the level of a human expert. 所謂專家系統是一個計算機程序,它能夠用人類專家的水平去解決一些特別的問題。
- In expert systems,a hypothesis about the problem to be solved. 專家系統中關於待解決問題的一種假定。
- Those technologies typically employ an expert system or have an artificial intelligence component. 這些技術一般使用專家系統或具有人工智慧的成分。
- An expert system is a software system having some domain knowledge, which can solve some problems for people. 專家系統是具有某一領域的專業知識,可以幫助人們解決某些問題的軟體系統。