- Gives you a holding area for persistent objects. 給您一個存放持久性對象的地方。
- Data can be rejected, stored for repair in a holding area, or passed on with its imperfections to the data warehouse. 可以暫時拒絕這些數據,將數據存儲起來以便在固定領域中對它們進行修正,或者將其缺點傳遞給數據倉庫。
- Three years ago this month, I lay on a stretcher in the holding area of an operating ward, waiting for the surgery that could change my life. 三年前,也是這個月,我躺在手術病房留治病區的一張招架床上,等待接受可能會改變我一生的手術。
- Carcass holding area (required when chilling room is not set up) Overhead rails and forced air blower shall be equipped. 七屠體待運區(未設預冷室者應設之):應設置高架吊軌及送風設施。
- Reparative area marked by the blue stakes or white lines. 修整地以藍樁或白線表示。
- Place these bets in the area marked "Pass Line" on the table. 點擊桌面上寫有"Pass Line"字樣的區域下注。
- This outside plaza, where many have waited for hours, is only holding area No. 1.Not until their train is called can travelers go inside. 在外面的廣場上,許多人等候數小時,只為能排在靠前的位置,直到他們想要搭乘的列車被喊到,可以放他們進去為止。
- Four-storied deckhouse arranged above poop deck at aft, emergency fire pump room arranged at fore, double hull and double bottom for cargo hold area, double bottom for E/R. 首部設有應急消防泵艙,貨艙區域設置雙殼、雙層底,機艙設置雙層底。
- Standards for Mined Area Marking; 標明布雷區的標準;
- Volunteers and government employees worked all day and overnight to stabilize the survivors, keeping them wet and moving them into one pod in a safe holding area with slightly deeper water. 志願者及政府工作人員工作了一晝夜來穩定這些生還者們,保持它們的濕潤並且把它們拖到一個安全的有較深水的溝里。
- You must not cross the road within the area marked by zigzag lines. Use the Zebra crossing. 行人不得在之字範圍內過馬路,應從斑馬橫過。
- An open,level area marked with appropriate lines,upon which a game,such as tennis,handball,or basketball,is played. 球場水平開闊的地方,划有適當的線,人們在上面打網球、手球或籃球等遊戲
- Nonconforming materials, and/or their holding areas, are not properly identified; A procedure for handling nonconforming material exists, but is not followed. 不合格的材料,和/或其控股的地區,沒有適當確定的程序處理不合格材料存在,但如沒有得到遵循。
- An open, level area marked with appropriate lines, upon which a game, such as tennis, handball, or basketball, is played. 球場水平開闊的地方,划有適當的線,人們在上面打網球、手球或籃球等遊戲
- Most of the Crann, Scrims, and Odeon, though, were ranging around an area marked off by what the Sentinels had come to recognize as energy-wall pylons. 絕大多數克蘭獸、斯奇姆獸和歐迪昂獸都分佈在一片地區的四周,哨兵們辨認出那裡圍著一圈可形成能量牆的鐵塔。
- The lease car shall be parked in the areas marked out by Party A in order. 乙方車輛於營運間歇時間內必須整齊停放於甲方指定停車位置。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我們的儲糧還能維持多久?
- A city of central Ohio east of Columbus. It is an industrial and processing center in an area marked by notable earthworks erected by the Mound Builders. Population,44,389. 紐華克美國俄亥俄州中部的城市,位於哥倫布東部,是工業和加工業中心,所在地區有早期印第安人修的著名的「車部工程」。人口44,389。
- Standardize Red Tag Holding area rules 存放區規定
- He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一個緊緊抓住一塊木板的溺水的孩子。