- The signalman ecuwh s signature sign is signifsicant to the vacant vacation. 通信工作人員的簽名簽字隨著空的假期相當多。
- The signalman\' s signature sign is significant to the vacant vacation. 信號員的簽字元號對空假期具有重要意義。
- Eric s signature is inlaid in mother-of-pearl between the 19th and 20th frets. 簽名是鑲嵌在珍珠母之間的第19和第20 基質間片。
- The drawer』s signature serves as a means of authenticating a bill of exchange. 出票人的簽名作為匯票真偽的鑒定手段。
- The law requires them to fill in forms supplying information requested by cops--but does not oblige them to provide s signature. 法律只要求他們在罰款單上填寫警察所要求的信息--卻沒有要求他們一定要簽名。
- The U.C.L.A. chemists isolated THG's signature only after switching to a more sensitive assay process. 加州大學洛杉磯分校的化學家在改用更靈敏的化驗程序后,才分辨出THG的標記。
- Impossible but true, the volunteer』s signature has mysteriously traveled from the selected card to another. 不可能但真實, 志願者的署名神奇旅行了從選擇的卡片到另一個。
- However Gattuso has sensationally come out against the 28-year-old』s signature. 然而加圖索已經公開的站出來反對簽下這名28歲的球員.
- In addition, the TRTC's signature as approval shall be shown on the last page of the testing report. 另,用以表認可之大眾捷運公司簽名應注於測試報告書最末頁。
- A photo shoot was conducted for advertisements of an eye makeup, fully capitalizing on Ayu』s signature eyes. 此次的拍攝的照片是為了宣傳一個眼部化妝品的廣告,充分利用了濱崎步標誌性的一雙大眼睛。
- Yesterday evening, Genoa President Enrico Preziosi declared that Palladino』s signature was hours away, but now the transfer seems to be off the table. 就在昨晚;熱那亞經理齊奧西宣稱帕拉迪諾將在幾個小時后簽約完成轉會;但現在看來轉會的確失敗了.
- Although she is the female counterpart to DC』s signature superhero, she』s never quite lived up to her birthright until now. 儘管是與DC漫畫「當家」超級英雄身份相當的女性角色,但她的地位還從未能與其身份相符。
- Diners can linger for hours over the lip smacking selection of savoury dishes, and then top it off with Bisou』s signature cupcakes and desserts. 食客們大可以停留幾個小時以上,細心欣賞他們所精心炮製的所有,包括那令人吞口水的好味菜式,押尾來個他們的招牌杯子蛋糕或者甜品,一定讓你回味無窮。
- Although little is known about the new concept, it will feature an aggressive exterior thanks to the adoption of the Lancer Evo X's signature "Jet Fighter" grille. 雖然知之甚少的新概念,將具有積極的外部感謝通過蘭瑟埃沃莫X的簽字「噴氣式戰鬥機」格柵。
- Usually the artist』s signature colours involve luminescent green and pink but in this exhibition, he added a punctuating gold that underlines symbols of endurance and longevity. 另一個名為「生命金字塔」,三個磚砌金字塔上分別雕有女人、玫瑰和骷髏。
- BIOTHERM's signature moisturizer with the equivalent of 5,000 litres of thermal spa water provides non-stop hydration to skin with a refreshing gel texture that is easily absorbed. 蘊含等同於5,000公升礦泉水,濃縮於一個瓶子里的天然溫泉精華,溫泉保濕高效乳霜為您帶來真正溫泉保濕效果,讓您的肌膚24小時不停享受保濕呵護!
- A host of clubs have been after the 24-year-old』s signature, but last week it seemed as if Genoa had won the race after their president, Enrico Preziosi, announced the deal to the press. 有許多俱樂部都對這名24歲的球員趨之若騖。上周熱那那亞似乎已經在帕拉迪諾的爭奪戰中勝出了,俱樂部主席恩里科.;普萊齊奧西甚至宣布了轉會的完成。
- Although still hidden beneath BMW's signature psychedelic camouflage, we can clearly see the X1 is nearing production ready and will mirror the X1 concept shown at the 2008 Paris Motor Show. 雖然仍然隱藏寶馬的簽字迷幻偽裝,我們可以清楚地看到X1即將生產做好準備,將鏡像X1概念,表明在2008年巴黎車展。
- Cardboard holder for document, which can fit in the drawer of a filing cabinet. 存文件用的硬紙夾。這些文件夾可恰好放在券宗櫃的抽屜內。