- The White pieces have built a protected road, one outpost at a time, right into the heart of Black's camp! 白子已經建造了一條被保護的道路,一次一個前哨,恰恰進入黑棋的陣營的核心之內!
- First, trace your hand on a white piece of paper. 首先,在一張白紙上描出您的手。
- He drew a line on this white piece of paper. 他在這張白紙上劃了個道子。
- Weiqi or go is a traditional Chinese chess game. It is played with black and white pieces on a board of 361 crosses. 圍棋是傳統的中國棋類項目,棋盤有361個交叉點,分黑白子比賽。
- Black and white pieces called stones are placed one at a time on the grid's intersectio . 黑色或白色的棋子每次只能下一顆于格子交叉處。
- Rare are white pieces with a slight yellow tinge but the rarest are reddish,bluish and greenish hues. 罕見的品種帶淡黃色,但是最罕見的是淺紅色,淺藍色和淺綠色。
- Black and white pieces called stones areplaced one at a time on the grid's intersections. 稱為石仔的黑白塊一次放一塊到網格間。
- The White pieces have no supporting points and they cannot defend their pawns on the K-side. 白棋的子力沒有支撐,他們無法保護王翼的兵。
- Flaky/itchy scalp produces tiny white pieces of dead skin that flake off the scalp and are usually first noticed on the shoulders. 成片狀或發癢的頭皮會產生白色的小片死皮,從頭皮上脫落下來,通常最先在肩膀上看到它們。
- His thick lips nursed a big, black cigar that held white ashes an inch long. 他那厚厚的嘴唇叨著一支又大又黑的雪茄煙,白色的煙灰足有一寸長。
- A team of Rui's white pieces was bitterly attacked;however by white's reshape of 64th attaching and 68thdouble-wrenching Rui got through the difficulty. 芮乃偉一隊白子被攻得很苦,但白棋64手靠和68手連扳整形,使自己擺脫了困境。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我們的儲糧還能維持多久?
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他緊緊抓住我的手臂不放。
- Lawmaker Threatens to Hold White House Officials in Contempt 美律師威脅將指控白宮官員為蔑視罪
- Floaters are relatively transparent, vague, usually curved objects that are seen best when looking at a white piece of paper, blue sky, light colored ceiling, or wall. 「飛蚊」者就是在看白紙,籃天,光亮的有色的天花板或牆壁時會感覺相對的清楚和模糊,視覺中感覺有異物的阻擋。
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在戶外聚會是我的主意。
- Kings used to know how to hold down the people. 國王們往往都知道怎樣使人們服從他。
- Do you think this trunk will hold all our clothes? 這個箱子你想能裝得下我們所有的衣裳嗎?
- He has been trying hard to hold onto his temper. 他一直儘力控制自己不發脾氣。
- I must get hold of some more writing paper. 我必須再找一些書寫用紙。