- In the psychology, the feeling of the subjective eudemonia is a optimistical attitude. 在心理學上,主觀幸福感是一種樂觀的態度。
- Most people hold a snobbish attitude. 有多少是立志為親情奉獻的呢?
- They hold a mystic religious ceremony. 他們舉行了一個神秘的宗教儀式。
- The Baptist will hold a ceremony this Sunday. 這個星期天浸信會教友將要舉行一場典禮。
- Withal, I always hold an optimistic attitudes. 對此,我向來持樂觀態度。
- They will hold a council to discuss the proposal. 他們將開會討論這個建議。
- Approach each challenge with an optimistic attitude. 以樂觀的態度處理每個難題。
- Phil is clearly unfit to hold a senior position. 菲爾顯然不能勝任高級職務。
- What impressed me most is the optimistic attitude of the disabled. 使我印象最深刻的是殘疾人樂觀的生活態度。
- The Brethren hold a prayer meeting every Thursday. 教友每周四舉行一次禱告會。
- A loop fastened to a belt to hold a tool or weapon. 掛武器環固定在腰帶上拴工具或武器的環套
- A trusted man of influence may be able to hold a mob in check. 一位既有影響力又得到人信任的人也許可以能夠制止住一群暴徒。
- A hole dug in the ground to hold a fence post. 埋樁子的洞在地上所挖的用來放置柵欄欄杆的洞
- The air held a foretaste of a storm. 天氣有要括大風的跡象。
- As one of his famous poems, A Psalm of Lift shows a spirit of generality, encouragement and optimistic attitude. 《人生頌》是一首慷慨激昂、催人奮進、樂觀向上的人生頌歌,是朗費羅最著名的抒情詩之一。
- She is pretty good, but she can't hold a candle to her mother. 她相當不錯,但還不能與他母親相比。
- Nomadism in Winter shows the indomitable vitality of the Mongolians as well as their optimistic attitude towards natural environment and life. 舞蹈《冬牧》以真實的生活場景展示了草原人以頑強的生命力在嚴酷的自然環境中所表現出的樂觀與平和超然精神。
- Concerned parents held a meeting. 憂心忡忡的家長們開了一次會。
- She handled with it with her typical optimistic attitude, running behind the sled to get warm. 她用她那一貫的樂觀態度泰然處之,在雪橇後面跑來跑去來取暖。
- Her eyes held a look of silent appeal. 她眼中流露著無聲的求助神情。