- The designer is hip to the latest fashion. 設計師對時裝的最新款式了如指掌。
- The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone. 股骨連著髖骨。
- Ho, ok. we'll have someone there in about30 minutes. 好。這樣的話,30分鐘之內我們會派人過去。
- The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line. 新外套在臀圍線上優美地打著褶皺。
- Mary felt that she had the culprit on the hip. 瑪利認為她已將被告置於不利地位。
- A bullet from one of the pistols had graze his hip. 有一枝手槍里發出的一顆子彈擦傷了他的臀部。
- It is time enough to cry ho, when you are hurt. 不要庸人自擾。
- The needle went into my hip with a prick. 針一下刺進了我的臀部。
- This is no way to prevent hip fractures. 這可不是防止髖骨骨折的好辦法。
- It is time enough to cry ho,when you are hurt. 不要庸人自擾。
- It's time to hip him to the secrets. 該讓他了解內情了。
- Ho,hello,Mr. Smith. I'm very well. Thanks. And you? 喔,你好,史密斯先生。我很好,謝謝,你呢?
- A new car! Ho! Ho! Ho! That's funny! 新車!嗬!嗬!嗬!真有趣!
- The hip's bow was blown off by a mine. 船頭被一枚水雷炸掉了。
- Hi Ho Dedario A-hunting we will go. 嗨 ho Dedario 我們將要去打獵。
- Maybe a little frog on my hip, or a gecko. 也許在臀部刺一隻小青蛙還是壁虎什麼的。
- Hi Ho Dedario the brother finds a sister. 嘿,呦,嘀嘟,哥哥有個妹妹。
- Hi Ho Dedario then we will let him go. 嗨 ho Dedario 然後我們會放它離開。
- Shea &Rose Hip gently hydrate &add gloss. 玫瑰果籽及雪亞脂令你的頭髮水澤光滑。
- Hi Ho Dedario. The dog pulls on the wife. 嗨 ho Dedario。小狗來拉妻子。