- Those earthen pots are made by the skilled man. 那些陶壺是那個熟練工做的。
- That technician is highly skilled. 那位技師技術很好。
- They are highly skilled workers. 他們是技術很好的工人。
- He was a highly skilled flier now. 現在他是一個技術高超的飛行員。
- Welding is a highly skilled job. 焊接是一個非常技術性的工作。
- Highly skilled workforce is badly needed. 急需高技術勞動力.
- The king of the oilfield is the driller. He is a very skilled man. 油田的主角是技術熟練的鑽井工。
- He is a highly skilled technician. 他是一個非常熟練的技術員。
- The sculpture is a highly skilled masterpiece. 這個雕塑真是一個鏤月裁雲的傑世之作。
- More highly skilled or adept than another or others. 比另一個或其他的具有更高技能的。
- Create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner. 藝術的或者高水平的製造完成。
- She is highly skilled at dealing with difficult customers. 應付難纏的顧客她很有一手。
- To create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner. 以某種藝術性的或高度熟練的技藝創造或執行。
- He was a very educated and skilled man but humbled himself before God admitting that he needed the Lord. 他是一個非常有教育和技巧熟練的人,但是在神前謙卑自己承認他需要主。
- Their assets are highly skilled manpower and superior technical expertise. 他們的財產是高度熟練的人力與高科技經驗。
- How quickly one realizes, when doing it oneself, that a job which takes the skilled man an hour or so to complete takes the amateur handyman five to six at least. 一旦自己動手去做,他們很快就意識到,手藝人一小時左右就能幹完的活,外行人至少得花上五、六個小時。
- These 8-year-old boys will be trained to be high skilled acrobats. 這些8歲的孩子將被訓練成技藝高超的雜技演員。
- In the past,this work,considered highly skilled,was mainly done by men. 過去認為這種工作技術性很強,主要都由男人干。
- Does not require highly skilled personnel specifically trained on the product? 不需要專門為此產品進行培訓的技術高超的人員嗎?
- The elders of Gebal and her skilled men were in you caulking your seams. 9迦巴勒的老者和有技巧的人都在你中間作修補破縫的;