- Celluloid is highly combustible. 賽璐珞是極易著火的。
- Don't smoke near combustible materials. 別在易燃的材料附近吸煙。
- For combustible materials, rupture disks should be installed. 對於可燃材料,應該安裝爆破片。
- This strong oxidizer in the match head is highly combustible. 這種在火柴頭中的強力氧化劑極其易燃。
- It was surrounded with heaps of combustible materials. 它周圍是一堆堆易燃物資。
- Petrol is highly combustible so don't smoke while you're handling it. 汽油極易燃燒,處理時不得吸煙。
- Retards the flame when coated on combustible materials such as Styrofoam. 塗抹在易燃材料表面例如聚苯乙烯材料可阻燃。
- Contact with combustible material may cause fire. 與可燃物料接觸可能引起火災;
- Explosive when mixed with combustible material. 與可燃物料混合時發生爆炸;
- Keep away from combustible material. 遠離可燃物料;
- Oxyliquits are explosives consisting of combustible materials impregnated with liquid oxygen. 液氧炸藥是將可燃物浸以液氧組成的。
- Petrol is highly combustible,so smoking is strictly forbidden during the handling of it. 汽油極易燃燒,處理時嚴格禁止吸煙。
- In this paper, the author transform the flat separator into groove separator with respect to high quantity of combustible materials in fly ash in a spreader\|stocker\|fired travelling grate boiler. 針對拋煤機鏈條爐飛灰可燃物含量的問題,將平板式分離器改為槽形分離器,同時在爐膛敷設回燃帶,提高燃燒溫度。
- Petrol is highly combustible, so smoking is strictly forbidden during the handling of it. 汽油極易燃燒,處理時嚴格禁止吸煙。
- Highly combustible gases like acetylene shall be run individually away from other gases. 易燃氣體,如乙炔,需要和其它氣體分開,單獨引入。
- Do not place combustible material within fire spark range. 在火花能噴射到的地方禁止放置易燃物品。
- Are combustible materials stored in the dormitories or buildings connected to the dormitories? 宿舍里或與宿舍相連的樓房裡有易燃物品嗎?
- Storage temperatures should NEVER exceed 125 f (52 c), and the area should be free of combustible materials. 儲存室溫度禁止超過125°F (52°C),而且沒有可燃材料。
- The products of burning depend on the combustible material. 燃燒的產物取決於可燃物。
- A few years ago, this was a highly combustible fixture which pitted sides led by Roy Keane and the equally combative Patrick Vieira, causing ructions on and off the pitch. 在幾年前,雙方的比賽會因為有好鬥的羅伊.;基恩和同樣不好惹的維埃拉存在而變得火藥味十足,雙方的爭吵會從場上直到場下。