- A high amount of money is spent on tobacco every year. 每年都要花費大量金錢在煙草上。
- The maximum amount of credit extended to a customer. 最大透支額允許客人賒賬的最大量
- And why had the amount of credit disbursed declined? 那麼,信貸支付額為何會下降?
- The water contains high amounts of magnesium. 這水含有大量的鎂。
- The amount of cash advance or withdrawing cash is 50% of credit limit. 預借現金,提現額度為刷卡透支消費信用額度的50%25;
- Eating a bowl of cereal with the highest amount of sugar would come to about one-fourth of the daily standard. 吃一碗糖含量高的穀類早餐,便攝取約四分一的每天熱量標準。
- The operator may find the diamonds in place but with an abnormally high amount of fractures or crushed crystals. 經營可能覺得鑽石到位而異常高額粉碎骨折或晶體。
- The highest amount of allocated bandwidth admitted on the interface during the period in which the ACS has been running. ACS運行期間這個界面允許的分配的帶寬最高量。
- If you wish to increase the amount of credit you are allowed,we will send you an application form. 如果貴公司想增加信用總額,我們將會給您一份申請表。
- Any users of credit may overextend themselves. 每個貸款使用者都有可能作出不自量力的事。
- Whereas, the FCC gasoline contains a higher amount of sulfur. 而催化裂化汽油存在的主要問題是硫含量過高。
- The amount of financial guarantee shall refer to the highest amount of repayment to be demanded among the considerations the enterprise receives. 財務擔保金額,是指企業所收到的對價中,將被要求償還的最高金額。
- V4 Missiles are the perfect base buster, doing a high amount of explosive damage, with high area of effect. V4導彈是完美的拆基地武器,它可以在大範圍內造成大量的爆破傷害。
- If you wish to increase the amount of credit you are allowed, we will send you an application form. 如果貴公司想增加信用總額,我們將會給您一份申請表。
- May I draw money against the letter of credit here? 我可以在這兒用這份信用證取錢嗎?
- Some of the sensitive or fragile fruits like berries and peaches contain the highest amount of chemicals than most other foods on the markets. 一些敏感或易脆的水果像是漿果和桃子,與市場上的其他食物相比,含有較高的化學藥物含量。
- We have opened two letters of credit in your favour for the amount of 1, 000 US dollars. 我方已開出兩張你方為受益人的金額為 1000美元的信用證。
- Happy people have high amount of endorphin in their forebrain.They have lower risk in contracting diseases. 喜樂的人前腦藏有很高的安多芬,他們感染疾病的機會比其他人小。
- SWS has received a total of over 110 orders for the 170,000 DWT Capesize bulk cargo carriers, the highest amount of orders in the world. 截至目前,上海外高橋造船公司共收到17萬噸好望角型散貨船訂單110多艘,訂單數量居世界之首。
- I have read a lot of reports that many Americans have a large amount of credit card debt,especially around holiday shopping seasons. 我讀過許多報道,很多美國人大多欠了很多信用卡債,特別是在節日購物季節前後。