- Metal materials - special metal sheets, the High Line and the plating Hongtong slingshot slingshot line. 金屬材料-特殊金屬片、高級彈弓線及鍍紅銅彈弓線。
- The highest line stands 600 metres from the floor of the valley. 最高的一條線距谷底有600米。
- The SIPS maintenance programme ensures high line availability, providing preventive maintenance and service for all individual machines. SIPS維修程序通過對所有單機的預防性維護和保養提高灌裝線的利用率。
- Houma, 15 mu of farmland per capita is only 1.2 acres, the development of efficient agricultural Houma characteristics of agriculture as a main line transfer capacity. 侯馬有15萬畝耕地,人均只有1.;2畝,發展高效特色農業成為侯馬農業調產的主線。
- According to Lewis with Cognex, inspecting text is difficult because of poor lighting, high line speeds and quick changeovers. 根據劉易斯與康耐視,檢查文字非常困難,因為窮人照明,高線速度和快速轉換。
- The High Line was nearly destroyed in 2001, but a judge blocked those plans after community advocates and the City Council filed a lawsuit. 高架鐵道幾乎在2001年拆除,但在社區律師和市議會提出訴訟后,一位法官裁定封殺那些計畫。
- At the end, summaryof project management effect and exploring ideas on line transfer is conveyed, while theintent is to provide helpful method for international line transfer or similar activities. 在最後部分,作者對生產線轉移中項目管理效果與思考進行了總結,希望給類似的企業活動以有益的參考。
- Caption :Snaking on trestles through the fashionable lower Manhattan neighbourhood, the High Line Park combines views of the Hudson River, wild vegetation, and echoes of New York's industrial history. 描述:蜿蜒曲折的棧橋通過時髦的曼哈頓下城地區,高架鐵路公園和哈得遜河相互映襯,還有野生植被,紐約的工業歷史的痕迹。
- The ovarian cancer cell line transfered by HSV TK gene regressed rapidly in response to the GCV therapy. AO細胞轉染HSV-TK基因后,能有效地被GCV殺滅。
- Bob: I always thought it ridiculous that they can get cards with such high lines of credit. 鮑伯:我一直覺得很荒繆,他門竟然可以拿到信用額度那麽高的卡。
- For the system V10800, for instance, an attenuation change of about ±0.6 decibel for one repeater section can be reckoned with at the highest line frequency. 例如,對於V10800系統來說,在最高線路頻率下,一增音段的衰減變化可視為±0.;6分貝左右。
- For the system V10800, for instance, an attenuation change of about ?.6 decibel for one repeater section can be reckoned with at the highest line frequency. 例如,對於V10800系統來說,在最高線路頻率下,一增音段的衰減變化可視為&%23177;0.;6分貝左右。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不談巨額費用問題。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不論人還是鳥都願意往高處攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鳥兒在樹上清脆地高歌。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 質地精美上乘的物品現在不多見。
- Five positive transgenic lines transferred with pTC2 and six positive transgenic lines with pTGC were obtained. 轉基因植株的正反交試驗證明外源基因在轉基因煙草後代中遵循母性遺傳規律,不存在轉基因的花粉漂移現象。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 這座中世紀的城市周圍建有城牆和護城河。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我認為他的忠告很有價值。
- Many competitors have entered for the high jump. 已有許多人報名參加跳高比賽。