- Information Warfare is a low risk/ high reward endeavor. 信息戰爭是低風險高收益的活動。
- High reward potential for technical trade on Halliburton. 對Halliburton股票進行技術交易將帶來潛在的高回報。
- When a high reward is offered, brave fellows are bound to come forward. 重賞之下,必有勇夫。
- Your success is our highest reward! 您的成功是對我們的最高獎賞!
- Furthermore, it seems that this altered glutamate sensitivity strengthens the neuronal pathways that link memories of drug-taking experiences with high reward, thereby feeding the desire to seek the drug. 另外,麩胺酸敏感度的改變,好像還會強化連結嗑藥經驗的記憶與高度報償之間的神經連線,因而餵養了尋葯的慾望。
- The aspirations of customers are our factory's pursuit and the satisfaction of users is the highest reward to us. 客戶的心愿是我廠的追求,用戶的滿意是對我廠的最高獎勵。
- We consider the visitor, collaborator and colleague's approval regard as the highest reward. 我們把客人、合作者和同行的認可視為工作的最高獎賞。
- But in order to prepare for a higher reward than just this, we should learn the art of mastering our own destiny and our own future. 但為了要得到比這更高等的獎賞,我們應該學習主宰自己的命運和未來,創造自己的天堂,師父開示。
- And know ye that your possessions and your progeny are but a trial; and that it is Allah with Whom lies your highest reward. 你們應當知道你們的財產和子孫只是一種考驗,在真主那裡有重大的報酬。
- When we Communist Party members have worked diligently and properly,consequently winning the confidence of the people,we are receiving the highest reward possible. 當我們的工作是正確的努力的,因而我們得到了人民群眾的信任的時候,這對於共產黨員說來,就是最高的獎勵。
- They gave the publicity buildup for their own brands with a roaring high rewards . 這對明星夫妻為自己的品牌宣傳造勢,廣告價錢更是高的驚人。
- 6.Information warfare is a low risk,high reward campaign. 6.;信息戰爭是低風險高收益的活動。
- 6.Information Warfare is a low risk/ high reward endeavor. 6.;信息戰爭是低風險高收益的活動。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不談巨額費用問題。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不論人還是鳥都願意往高處攀。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鳥兒在樹上清脆地高歌。
- Goods of high quality are few and far between these days. 質地精美上乘的物品現在不多見。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 這座中世紀的城市周圍建有城牆和護城河。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我認為他的忠告很有價值。
- Many competitors have entered for the high jump. 已有許多人報名參加跳高比賽。