- Drilling Fluids Techniques of High Angle, Extended Reach Well in Zhuangxi Area. 樁西地區大斜度延伸井鑽井液技術。
- Special liner hanger for high angle deviated holes and horizontal holes. 用於大斜度井及水平井的特殊尾管懸挂裝置。
- Therefore the chin looked lathier and less protrusive in high angle group. 高角組頦部唇面較低角組更加平直而突度較小(P<0.;01);頦角小於低角組(P<0
- The machine is mainly used for extrusion and connection of45° seam casement window with angle joint structure. 鋁門窗單頭組角機主要用於角碼結構的平開門窗45°縫的擠壓聯結。
- Because of the variations between fuzes, fuze time should never be used for High Angle fire with these projectiles. 由於各種引信引爆時間的變化,裝配引信鐘的炮彈絕不允許高射角發射。
- In drilling high angle deviated holes, friction is the main factor affecting the effective WOB. 在大斜度定向井鑽井過程中,摩擦阻力是影響有效鑽壓的主要因素。
- Monopulse radar is widely used for its high angle measurement and powerful anti-jamming performance. 摘要單脈衝雷達因其測角精度高,抗干擾能力強,使其得到了廣泛的應用。
- New way to improving comprehensive performance of bit in offshore high angle deviated holes. 改善海底大位移水平井鑽頭綜合性能的新途徑。
- The gegenschein is distinguished from zodiacal light by the high angle of reflection. 對日照通過高角反射在黃道帶的光圈中很容易辨明。
- Remark: Deck Armor can protect the fire damage from high angle attack and the damage from the bomb. 註:甲板裝甲是防禦炮彈由高角度的曲射炮火及防禦轟炸機的投落炸彈。
- The gegenschein is distinguished from zodiacal light near the Sun by the high angle of reflection. 與發生在太陽附近的黃道光的區別就在於對日照的高反射角度。
- High angle of attack wind tunnel test techniques is necessary for development of high-maneuverability flight vehicles. 大迎角風洞試驗技術是先進高機動飛行器研製必需的關鍵技術。
- The structures of Yan 9 were formed by differential compaction.Highland and ridge could formed comparative high angle anticline easily. 延9構造均為差異壓實形成,高地和山脊易形成幅度較大的背斜構造;
- This report has conducted to extend the uncertainty assessment method of AGARD-AR-304 into the field of high angle of attack. 筆者將AGARD-AR-304不確定度評估方法推廣到大迎角領域,給出計算低速風洞大(小)迎角實驗不確定度的工程方法。
- This is very important, especially when the fighter operates at high angle of attack and the aerodynamic flight control surfaces work inefficiently. 研究氣動力、動力一體化的綜合 飛行控制技術及研究和分析矢 量噴流/飛機繞流之間的干擾特性。
- ICM shells and sheaves assume a target with a 200m-radius. (instead of 100m for HE).ICM should never be fired High Angle. 改進型常規彈藥炮彈的殺傷半徑達200m(高爆彈的殺傷半徑為100m),絕對不能高射角發射。
- The model featured an adjustable cruciform tail, a kite-shaped wing mounted at a high angle of incidence and a moveable weight to alter the center of gravity. 可調整的十字型尾翼,形似風箏的大迎角機翼,以及調節重心的砝碼構成了這架模型機的顯著特徵。
- When a fighter aircraft or missile flies at high angle of attack(AOA),asymmetric vortexes are produced from the forebody and induce strong side force and yawing moment. 飛機或導彈在大迎角下飛行時會形成非對稱渦,從而產生很大的側滑力和偏航力矩。
- In the upper formations with high angle in east Sichuan high and steep structures, some complexities, such as hole deviation, well slough, lost circulation and sticking,etc. 川東高陡構造上部地層傾角大 ,在鑽井中極易發生井斜、井塌、井漏、卡鑽等複雜情況 ,且目的層靶區要求嚴格。
- Methods: The electromyography activities of MM were recorded before and after 3 months MFT during mandibular movement in 32 open bite adolescents with high angle. 方法:應用肌電圖儀測量32例高角開(牙合)青少年在單純進行肌功能訓練3個月前後的咬肌肌電活動,並進行比較分析。