- The moon began to show her silver flame. 月兒開始發出銀色的光輝。
- She took her silver dress from the bundle and shook out the folds. 她從小包里取出銀禮服,抖開。
- The hotel valet arrives with her silver Range Rover. 旅館侍僕和她的銀範圍漂泊者到達。
- Mindi Abair with her silver plated Selmer Mark VI alto saxophone. mindi阿貝爾公司與她鍍銀塞爾莫馬克六中音薩克斯管。
- She had looked dazzling before in her silver dress, but in her dress of beaten gold she was more radiant. 前次她穿著銀箔禮服,人們看著已經覺得眼花繚亂了,這次穿了金箔禮服,她看起來比前次更加艷麗奪目了。
- Carol kicked off her silver slippers, and ignored the universal glance at her arches. 卡蘿爾一下子把她的銀色便鞋踢掉了,儘管大家睜大眼睛瞅著她的腳丫子,她卻滿不在乎。
- My sister was a child bride; she married when she was only seventeen,but next year will be her silver wedding anniversary. 我姐姐很年輕時就出嫁了,那時她僅17歲,不過明年是她結婚25周年紀念。
- My sister was a child bride; she married when she was only seventeen, but next year will be her silver wedding anniversary. 我姐姐很年輕時就出嫁了,那時她僅17歲,不過明年是她結婚25周年紀念。
- Within a short time she was walking briskly toward the Emerald City, her silver shoes tinkling merrily on the hard, yellow road-bed. 她立刻活潑地向翡翠城走去,她的銀鞋走在硬的黃色的路面上,叮噹地發出好聽的聲音。
- And what could be more head-turning than, say, Nicolas Cage cruising in his sharp-looking Lamborghini Miura( pre-loved by the Shah of Iran), or Britney wind-drying her long blonde tresses in her silver Porsche convertible? 還有什麼比開著蘭博基尼飛馳的尼古拉斯.;凱奇和坐在保時捷中飄動金髮的小甜甜更讓人駐足回頭的呢?
- She wore a silver chain around her neck. 她脖子上戴著一條銀項鏈。
- She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 她生來富貴。
- There is not a silver hair on her head. 她頭上沒有一根銀髮。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺騙手段說服她在文件上簽字。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不為付假期的費用而苦苦攢錢。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看著他。
- She nestled her head on his shoulder. 她將頭依偎在他的肩上。
- She threw a scarf over her shoulders. 她在肩上披上一塊肩巾。
- She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her. 她遭丈夫遺棄後精神有點失常。
- She writes to her parents once a week. 她每周給父母寫一封信。