- herpes simplex labialis (拉)唇單純性皰疹
- Indication: Treatment of incipient or recurring skin herpes simplex (herpes labiali, genital herpes), supportive treatment of pointed condyloma. :用於由病毒引起的初發或複發性皮膚單純皰疹(口唇皰疹、生殖器皰疹);也可用於尖銳濕疣的輔助治療。
- Vesicles of herpes simplex occur around the lips. 唇部可發生單純皰疹。
- Herpes Simplex Virus( HSV) encephalitis has its own neuroanatomy. 單純皰疹病毒腦炎有特有的神經解剖學特徵。
- Herpes simplex:Infection caused by herpes simplex virus. 單純疹: 亦稱感冒瘡或發熱性疹。由單純疹病毒引起的感染疾
- Herpes simplex:Infection caused by herpes simplex virus. 單純疹:亦稱感冒瘡或發熱性疹。由單純疹病毒引起的感染疾病。
- Viral infection, caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 and Type 1. 病毒感染,單純皰疹病毒引起的1型和2型。
- Herpes simplex: Infection caused by herpes simplex virus. 單純疹:亦稱感冒瘡或發熱性疹。由單純疹病毒引起的感染疾病。
- This is typical for Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. 為典型的單純皰疹病毒(HSV)感染。
- Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) encephalitis has its own neuroanatomy. 單純皰疹病毒腦炎有特有的神經解剖學特徵。
- Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a rare cause ofhepatitis in adults. 單純皰疹病毒是成人肝炎的罕見病因。
- Herpes simplex keratitis is common in department of ophthalmology. 單純皰疹性角膜炎是眼科常見病,多發病。
- Skin: herpes simplex, Kaposi's sarcoma, varicella, herpes zoster. 皮膚:單純皰疹、卡波氏肉瘤、水痘、帶狀皰疹。
- Not all people infected with the herpes simplex viruses will develop symptoms. 不是所有的人感染了皰疹病毒便會產生癥狀。
- Herpes simplex virus (HSV) gains entry through abraded skin or mucosal tissue. 單純皰疹病毒通過破損皮膚或粘膜組織進入人體。
- Such "punched out" ulcers are suggestive of herpes simplex infection. 此種穿透性性潰瘍提示有單純皰疹病毒的感染。
- These include giant cells associated with variola, herpes simplex and parainfluenza. 這些包括有關天花、皰疹以及副流感的巨細胞。
- Annoying and definitely unsightly, cold sores, also called fever blisters or Herpes simplex, are groups of painful, fluid-filled blisters. 讓人懊惱的和不悅目的唇皰疹,也叫單純皰疹,是成組的,讓人疼痛的,充滿液體的水泡。
- Genital infection with the herpes simplex viruses( HSV)1 or2 is not just an inconvenience, doctors note. 醫生們稱單純皰疹病毒(sv)或2的生殖器感染帶來的不僅僅是不便。
- Symptoms of an outbreak of herpes simplex include fever, malaise, muscle aches and decreased appetite. 爆發皰疹癥狀包括發燒,全身乏力、食慾下降、肌肉痛。