- Most blind beliefs in heretical ideas and various taboos originate in some religious mentality. 一些同志對歪理邪說和各種忌諱的迷信,大多源於某種宗教心理。
- Tom Traina at Heretical Ideas has a straightforward post on economic policy that I mostly agree with. 湯姆垂那在異教觀點 對經濟政策有坦誠的話,我大部分是同意的 。
- But in this article, I discuss a heretical idea: Sometimes, the Java programming language can hurt your productivity. 但在本文中,我會討論一個異端想法:有時,Java編程語言有損生產力。
- In the guise of "Law of Buddha", Li Hongzhi usurped some religious terms and distorted Buddhism.His heretical ideas are in essence anti-religious. 李洪志打著佛法的幌子,盜用了一些宗教術語,對其進行歪曲,他的歪理邪說實際上是反宗教的。
- Only time will tell if it will remain a marginalized, heretical idea or become an established and accepted i titution in societies around the world. 究竟男性同性戀婚姻是異端邪說,還是應該受到法律保護並成為世人認同的社會典章制度,就要等時間來證明了。
- Only time will tell if it will remain a marginalized, heretical idea or become an established and accepted institution in societies around the world. 究竟男性同性戀婚姻是異端邪說,還是應該受到法律保護並成為世人認同的社會典章制度,就要等時間來證明了。
- As people have approved Wang Shi's addiction to mountaineering,so they have also accepted such an "heretical idea" of his on movement curing. 也就是人們認可了王石的登山癖,便一同接受了他如此運動治療的「歪理邪說」。
- The history proves already, all truths are to be in intense at issue get accepted, and public opinion is the foundation that crooked truth heretical ideas is popular instead autocratically. 歷史早已證明,所有真理都是在激烈的爭論中得到公認的,而輿論專制反而是歪理邪說大行其道的基礎。
- The attractive mental that if it were not for has evil cult quality is crooked truth heretical ideas, all " mistake " opinion on public affairs escapes to be not dropped by disgustful destiny. 只要不是具有邪教性質的迷人心智的歪理邪說,所有「錯誤」的言論都逃不掉被唾棄的命運。
- Refute heretical ideas and thoughts 辟邪說
- A heretical or unorthodox religious belief. 宗教信仰異教的或非正統的宗教信仰
- He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas. 他恣意壓制所有與他相左的意見。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他頭腦里突然閃過一個念頭。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相當極端。
- Our ideas jump together on this question. 在這個問題上我們意見一致。
- I hope my ideas are in step with public opinion. 我希望我的想法跟公眾輿論是一致的。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信將使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- Don't engraft your ideas in other's mind. 不要把你的思想灌輸到別人的腦子裡。
- My ideas are at variance with his. 我的思想和他的不同。
- Not another of your dotty ideas for making money! 你不要再出那些賺錢的餿主意了!