- The green glass is often used as a vase. 那個綠色的玻璃杯常被當作花瓶使用。
- Built-in over heat protection and high voltage protection. 過熱保護,過壓保護。
- Wudalianchi is water, a green glass bottle, there is gas, good drink! 就是五大連池的水,是個綠色玻璃瓶的,還是有氣,挺好喝的!
- Nigel was on his knees brushing the soil away from the green glass bottle. 奈傑爾跪著刷一個綠色玻璃瓶上的灰塵。
- L122 provides the best anti-flex cracking effect, very good ozone protection, and good heat protection. L122提供最佳的耐屈撓龜裂性能,非常好的臭氧防護性,以及較好的熱老化防護性。
- Professional warns customer, do not want above all credulous " entrance " , have " certificate of environmental protection green " . 專業人員提醒消費者,首先不要輕信「進口」、有「環保綠色證書」。
- Finally, the glass is separated by hand into clear, brown, amber and green glass. 最後,玻璃製品將被人工地分為透明玻璃、褐色玻璃、琥珀色玻璃與綠色玻璃。
- Zixiaogong Longhu palace built in tall LMH, hanging Peak brick, green glass tile roof. 紫霄宮龍虎殿建在高大台基上,懸山頂磚木結構,綠色玻璃瓦屋面。
- The test result showed that sepiolite fibre reinforced phenolic resin-based composite was a new ablation-resistant material for heat protection. 試用結果表明,海泡石纖維增強酚醛複合材料是一種新型耐燒蝕絕熱防護材料。
- And a phenoloc resin with high char yield, which can be widely used for heat protection of high pressure solid rocket motors, has been developed. 研究了酚醛樹脂配比與酚醛樹脂的結構、熱降解行為、燒蝕性能之間的關係,研製出了可廣泛應用於高壓固體火箭發動機熱防護的高炭化率酚醛樹脂。
- Coating can enter masses field of vision, depend on using coating of environmental protection green, oneself start work can change the colour of household. 塗料之所以能進入大眾視野,在於利用環保綠色塗料,自己動手就可以改觀家居的色彩。
- We are looking for green glass bottles for olive oil. 250 cc and 500 cc. Square sape. 您現在還未登陸,請登陸后查看該採購客商的聯繫方式。
- I want a kind of glass dish that resists heat. 我想要一種耐熱的玻璃盤。
- Mr. Allawi made his comments just hours following a second car bombing in as many days outside the heavily protected Green Zone in central Baghdad. 阿拉維是在巴格達市中心戒備森嚴的綠區遭到兩天以來的第二次汽車炸彈襲擊幾個小時後作出上述表示的。
- It's a kind of glass that resists heat. 這是一種耐熱的玻璃。
- Paul looked through his green glasses peevishly when the other speaker brought down the house with applause. 當另一個演說者贏得了滿座喝彩聲時,保羅心裡又嫉妒又氣惱。
- Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin. 熱有時使皮膚上生剌痛的疹子。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 該項裝置是按照熱力上升的原理運轉的。
- The heat had blistered the paint of the building. 酷熱使建築物上的油漆起了浮泡。