- Because the heart blood is deficient, the patient felt the house shaking. 因為心血虛損,這個病人覺得房子在搖動。
- Conclusion: We couldn't diagnose the qi deficiency and blood deficiency just according to the values of RBC and Hb. 結論:不能單純依靠紅細胞、血紅蛋白值來診斷氣虛、血虛證。
- And there were significantly positive relationships between CFS blood deficiency syndrome principal component l, 2 and CFS blood deficiency syndrome. CFS血虛證主成分1、2與CFS血虛證辨證顯著正相關。
- ABSTRCT Objective:To explore the effect of Siwutang on the activity of Na + -K + -ATPase in the red cell membranes of the mice with blood deficiency. 目的:探討四物湯對血虛小鼠紅細胞膜Na+-K+-ATP酶的影響。
- The blood deficiency and related debilities concurrently then pond, still used the ripe Chinese rhubarb cause diarrhea aggravation. 血虛兼便溏,仍用熟大黃致使腹瀉加重。
- Objective: To investigate the correlation between pathological change of Qi deficiency and blood deficiency and the values of RBC and Hb. 摘要目的;探討中醫氣虛、血虛病理變化與紅細胞、血紅蛋白值之間的相關性。
- Miss is breathing pain, but frozen heart blood lie with me into ice, frozen with mood. 想念是會呼吸的痛,血流躺著心卻凍結成冰,隨著我的心情一起冰封。
- Objective:To investigate the correlation between pathological change of Qi deficiency and blood deficiency and the values of RBC and Hb. 目的;探討中醫氣虛、血虛病理變化與紅細胞、血紅蛋白值之間的相關性。
- Blood deficiency model according with hemogram characteristic of clinic "pattern" was set up , then the effective fraction of SWT was fixed. 建立了與四物湯治療血虛證的血象特點相對應的血虛模型;確定了四物湯補血有效部位;
- There are now numerous examples of diseases such as heart blood vessel,metabolic syndrome,osteoporosis in which the IGF system is a major player. 現已發現,許多疾病如心血管疾病、代謝綜合症、骨質疏鬆等與胰島素樣生長因子系統密切相關。
- The company in domains and so on heart blood vessel of brain, anti-tumor, diabetes has the massive chemistries kind or a two kind of drugs reserve. 公司在心腦血管、抗腫瘤、糖尿病等領域均擁有大量化學一類或二類藥品儲備。
- Sheng di huang should not be used in cases of pixu with dampness, yangxu, and in pregnant women with blood deficiency of pixu or weixu (stomach deficiency). 生地黃?脾虛濕重?陽虛?大便溏瀉者不宜用;中焦濕勝者要慎用為宜。懷孕期間有血虛?脾胃虛弱不宜用。
- Objective: To probe the effects of gross polysaccharide of Radix Rehmanniae Preparata(GPRRP) on the morphology changes of immune organ of blood deficiency model mice. 目的:探討熟地黃粗多糖對血虛模型免疫器官形態的影響。
- Enrich blood and promote blood circulation. For blood deficiency manifested as menoxenia. Help regulate menstruation and strengthen essence of the body. 此湯為女士恩物,功能行氣活血,養顏驅風。特別適用於婦女月經不調、貧血及病後虛弱人士飲用,是調理身體佳品。
- Mitral valve of rheumatism sex heart disease is narrow, left atrium expands, heart blood stream slow, be retarded by silt, make blood easily caky with thrombosis. 風濕性心臟病二尖瓣狹窄,左心房擴大,心臟血流緩慢、淤滯,易使血液凝固和血栓形成。
- METHOD:30 patients of coronary heart disease with angina pectoris diagnosed as " obstruction by heart blood" were treated and the remission rate and ECG were observed. 方法:對30例冠心病心絞痛,中醫辨證屬「心血瘀阻」證患者,進行心絞痛緩解率與心電圖好轉率的觀察。
- Either a long-term malnutrition or a lasting hypofunction of the spleen and stomach may cause insufficient blood formation, resulting in blood deficiency. 無論是長期的營養不良或脾胃損傷都會使血液產生不足,導致血虛。
- However, because of winter pears, spleen and stomach Deficiency-Cold Zheng, indigestion and post-natal blood deficiency of the people, can not be more fresh. 但是,因為梨性寒,脾胃虛寒、消化不良及產後血虛的人,不可多食。
- My heart beat thick in the course of the interview. 在面試過程中我的心跳得厲害。
- Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Safflower Yellow Injection (SYI) in treating coronary heart disease and angina pectoris (CUD-AP) with heart blood stagnation syndrome (HBSS). 摘要目的評價注射用紅花黃色素治療冠心病心絞痛(心血瘀阻證)安全性及有效性。