- Observance of chastity keeps the body healthy and free from sickness;and it develops the mind i.e., sharpens the intelligence. 禁慾就必須保持身體的健康和自由,而這也適用於精神方面,也就是指提升智力。
- Free from worry or care; cheerful. 無憂無慮的;歡躍的
- He was above the common and free from vulgarity. 他超凡脫俗。
- He was rich and free from cares of every kind. 他很富有,又無任何可憂慮之事。
- Balance to body and head and free from throatiness. 與頭部及身軀比例協調,喉嚨無贅肉。
- Now you can enjoy a life free from worries and cares. 現在你可以亨福了。
- He was free from degrading fears and free from prejudice. 他從卑微的恐懼中,從偏見中解脫出來了。
- Storage area must be clean and free from oil and grease. 貯罐必須清潔無油脂。
- All are anxious that you should live happy and free from care. 大家都盼望你生活幸福,無憂無慮。
- The neck should be fairly strong and free from throatiness. 頸部相當結實,且沒有贅肉。
- Stone lets Ma Yiqun's home appear natural and free from vulgarity. 石頭讓馬益群的家顯得自然脫俗。
- Besides being a sign of youth, good skin also means that the person is likely to be healthy and free from parasites 除了是年輕的象徵之外,美麗的肌膚也代表這個人可能很健康,
- It is attracted to the consciousness that is free from worry, strain, and tension. 能從擔憂、壓力和緊張中解脫出來的潛意識總是能將它吸引到身邊。)
- After coming to an end, preterhuman feel the whole body is free from worry, it is again comfortable really also did not pass. 完事之後,超人覺得全身愉快,真是再舒適也不過了。
- A man should also have more than one hideout before he thinks himself free from worry or danger.So let me dig some other hideouts for you. 人也一樣,如果沒有幾個退避之處,怎能心安理得地過舒服日子呢?所以.讓我再去替您掘幾個洞穴吧!」
- Nevertheless, schools do best if Anthroposophy is being cultivated in the community around them in a healthy and free manner. 如果圍繞學校的社團在健康自由的氛圍下有受到良好的人智學培訓,學校將做到最好。
- That devotee of Mine who is desireless, pure, expert, free from worry, free from agitation, unconcerned with any mundane endeavor, such a one is very dear to Me. 無欲無求,純粹,專心,無憂無慮,不被煩擾,不關心世俗的紛爭,這樣的皈依者對「我」來說是非常寶貴和親愛的。
- People who use their free time well are usually healthy and happy. 善於利用空閑時間的人通常健康又快樂。
- And the billabong handle of new design makes strong water form becomes follow one's inclinations, design of all these style makes water bath more free from worry and satisfied. 而新設計的分流把手使得沖水形式變得隨心所欲,這一切時尚設計使得水浴更加愉快和舒服。
- She was healthy and constantly active, much in the manner of a golden oriole that had been freed from its cage.She chattered on and on and was curious about everything. 她健康好動,一刻不停,活像一隻剛從籠子里放出來的黃鶯,嘁嘁喳喳的,對什麽都感到新奇。