Health care products with different functions await your choice. 保健用品功能各異,歡迎選購。
For example, a network running a nationwide promotion for its upcoming health documentary might try to tie in various health products or companies. 例如,某電視網在為其即將播放的保健記錄片進行全國範圍的宣傳時,可以搭配各種保健用品或公司的宣傳。
The quality-guaranteed health-care products safeguard your health. 本保健產品以品質保證維護您的健康。
In later lessons we'll show you affiliates promoting things like pet care, languages, music classes, health products, relationship advice, online gaming and more. 在以後的教訓我們會向您顯示子公司促進像寵物護理,語文,音樂課,保健產品,關係諮詢,在線遊戲等等。