The synthetic health value of Tonglu Fenshui River is got at the hose of analysis on every index by the layers analasis method. 採用層次分析法對桐廬縣分水江進行了全面的健康河流評價,得出各個指標的健康值,加總得到桐廬分水江河流健康綜合指數。
In January the CTGPC signed a memorandum of understanding with the Nature Conservancy allowing that organization to consult on species protection and river health in the dam area. 一月,中國長江三峽工程開發總公司和美國大自然保護協會就允許該組織在大壩地區就物種保護和河流健康狀況進行檢查簽署了諒解備忘錄。