- He made bundles in Hai Nan. He was unexpectedly raking it in. 它在海南掙了很多錢,真沒想到他會發財。
- He made bundles in Seattle. He was unexpectedly raking it in. 它在西雅圖掙了很多錢,真沒想到他會發財。
- She's been raking it in since she started her new job. 她自從開始新的工作以來,已經賺了很多錢。
- She gets tips as well as her wages,so she's really raking it in. 她又領工資又收小費,真賺了不少錢。
- Yes. For a salaried worker like me, gambling may be the only way to rake it in. 對我這樣的工薪階層來說,賭博可能是唯一能賺大錢的路子。
- Yes, For a salaried worker like me, gambling may be the only way to rake it in. 是呀.;對我這樣的工薪階層來說;賭博可能是唯一能賺大錢的路子
- With margins at record highs and no one yet forcing them to raise capital ratios, they are raking it in. 鑒於利潤率處於創紀錄高位,而迄今還沒有人迫使它們提高資本充足率,它們正大賺特賺。
- He talked about it in a similar way. 他對此事有相似的說法。
- He did it in full view of the public. 他在眾目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- He must be raking it in. 他一定是發財了。
- He did it in expectation of nothing. 他做這件事並不期望得到什麼。
- He has much learning, but he hides it in a napkin. 他學識淵博,可是並沒有把它發揮出來。
- He got the best of it in the contest. 他在比賽中得勝了。
- Barring any significant changes to the current economy, I should be raking it in before the end of the year. 除了現在的經濟發生巨大的變動之外,年底之前我應該會一直收穫頗豐。
- He said it in a spirit of enmity. 他是懷著敵意說這話的。
- EXAMPLE: After our first year in business we started doubling our sales every month we were really raking it in! 在我們開始做生意一年後,銷售額月月翻番,我們真的暴發了。
- He only said it in fun he didn't really mean it. 他只是說著玩兒--並非真是那個意思。
- The job is damaging his health so he has to turn it in. 那工作危害他的健康,所以他只好放棄了。
- He was really raking it in. 他真的發財了。
- It is difficult to express it in terms of science. 要用科學的字眼來表達它是很困難的。