- The NBA ain』t heard the last of the Magic in the Finals. 沒有人會願意看著對手在自己的家門口歡欣雀躍地慶祝勝利,但我必須站在哪裡,和我的兄弟尼爾森一起。
- He hinted darkly that we had not heard the last of the matter. 他帶著威脅的口吻暗示我們的事情還沒完[他還不肯就此罷休]。
- It would be a mistake to assume we've heard the last of this issue. 別以為我們不再過問這事。
- I'm sure you have heard the last of the matter. 我確信你的這件事已經了結。
- We haven't heard the last of Bill. 比爾的事還沒了結呢。
- We shall never hear the last of this. 我們將不會聽到最後這一點。
- You haven't heard the last of this, believe you me! 我敢保證你沒聽說過最新的消息。
- We shall not hear the last of it. 這件事將一直成為人們的話題。
- I did not hear the last of her speech. 我沒聽到她講話的最後部分。
- I didn't hear the last of his report. 他的報告我沒有聽完。
- The last of these rows seems to have been the last straw. 這場口角看來是徹底破裂的導火線。
- Unfortunately, I don't think we've heard the last of this affair. 遺憾的是,我認為這件事還沒有了結。
- If the story once got abroad, I would never hear the last of it. 要是這個奇聞一旦傳出去,就會談個沒完沒了。
- I haven' t heard from him since last year. 我自去年以來未曾收到過他的信。
- The ploughing generally ceases and the crp is laid by about the last of July. 到了7月底左右,犁地一般來說已結束,要對莊稼進行最後一道中耕了。
- It really is a most extraordinary circumstance that it appears as if I never was to hear the last of anything! 境遇真是挺特別,看來好象任何事情我都是聽不完似的!
- I shall be glad to see the last of this job. 我將很高興地看到這項工作的結束。
- I hope in these days we have heard the last of conformity and consistency. Let the words be gazetted and ridiculous henceforward. 我希望這些天是我們最後一次聽到屈服和順從。從今以後,這兩個詞將被歷史遺忘,再提到也是荒謬可笑。
- We haven' t heard from him lately. 我們最近沒聽到他的消息。
- I must mop up the last of the work. 我必須把最後這部分工作做完。