- HAVE消息HAVE message
- 杜氏利什曼原蟲平原和荒漠疫區分離株LACK基因克隆及序列分析Cloning and Sequence Analysis of LACK Gene of Leishmania Donovani Isolates from Plain and Desert Foci of China
- 我國山丘疫區杜氏利什曼原蟲LACK保護性抗原基因克隆和序列分析Cloning and analyzing sequence of LACK protective antigen gene from leishmania donovani isolated from hill foci of China
- 聽,指,並找出「Have you got...」What are you doing, Simon?
- 杜氏利什曼原蟲LACK基因真核表達重組質粒及其在真核細胞中的表達Construction of LACK Gene Recombinant Plasmid and Detection of Its Expression in Eukaryotic Cell
- 聽,指出並查找「get up, go, have, play」Listen, point and find @get up, go, have, play@.
- 作為一個不及物動詞,用於「缺乏或缺少」之意的lack主要和in一起用於現在分詞As an intransitive verb in the sense "to be wanting or deficient," lack is used chiefly in the present participle with in
- 注意「how+have, where+have, and what+have」的縮寫。Note the contraction of how + have, where + have, and what + have.
- 改寫以下句子,用含有have的結構來代替斜體印出的動詞。BWrite these sentences again using constructions with have in place of the verbs in italics.
- 「三種主要必需品,水、燃料和草料都具備的地方」(吉姆斯·費尼莫爾·庫珀)參見同義詞lack用法"A place where the three grand requisites of water, fuel and fodder were to be obtained" (James Fenimore Cooper).See also Synonyms at lack
- 美國人則說「in the hospital」和「Do you have a pen? 」Americans say @in the hospital@ and @Do you have a pen?
- (指動詞時態)完成式的(由has/have 或had+過去分片語成)(of verb tenses)composed of has/have or had+ past participle
- 「我還有點白蘭地,或者你寧願要咖啡?"I have some brandy.Or would you like some coffee?"
- 還來吃一點,」一壁叫用人添椅子碗筷。Come and have something."At the same time she instructed the servant to bring a chair and set another place with a bowl and chopsticks.
- 在NBA里你最喜歡看誰打球? All the count have got people on them.Who in the NBA do you like to watch the best?
- The two countries have been trying to maintain their military equation.3 x 2 = 6 is an equation.
- "Do you have it?" 是慣用的美語用法,而英國人很可能說"Have you got it?"。"Do you have it?" is a common American usage, but it would be more likely for British speakers to say "Have you got it?"
- 如果我要引起某人的注意,我應該說"excuse me "還是"may I have your attention"?If I am trying to attract someone's attention, shall I say " excuse me " or " may I have your attention "?
- 你昨天得了感冒是嗎?(當主句的have不表示"所有"而表示其它意思時,附加疑問須用do)"You had a cold yesterday, didn't you? "