- You've never had your appendix out,have you? 你闌尾沒割除過,是吧?
- You've never had your appendix out, have you? 你闌尾沒割除過,是吧?
- He had to have his appendix out(= removed). 他不得不切除了闌尾。
- Doctor: Perhaps you could have talked the appendix out. 醫生:也許你動動嘴就能治好闌尾炎。
- We have one boy and three girls. 我們有一個兒子和三個女兒。
- It makes no sense to have one with out another. 顧此失彼是不明智的。
- We'll have one room with a bathroom and one room without. 我們要有一間帶浴室的屋子,還要有一間不帶浴室的。
- have one's appendix out 切除某人的盲腸
- It 's premature to think about have one 's biography write . 現在考慮讓人寫傳記,未免太倉促了。
- All right then, but next time you must have one of mine. 那麼好吧,不過下次你必須抽我的。
- In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龍舟時每個人都拿著一枝槳。
- P:I had my appendix out,but that was a long time ago. 我做過闌尾手術,不過那是很久以前的事了。
- The area which a bishop administer have one cathedral and many smaller church. 一個主教所掌管的地區包括一個大教堂和許多較小的教堂。
- That machine has one big failing. 那台機器有個大缺點。
- The rhinoceros has one horn on its nose. 犀牛鼻子上有一個角。
- The teapot has one handle standing out. 這個茶壺有一個把手。
- The fashion was to have one's collar standing up. 那時很流行把衣服的領子豎起來。
- Let's have one more dance before we go home. 讓我們回家之前再跳一個舞吧。
- His party has one third of the seats in Parliament. 他那個黨在議會中佔三分之一席位。
- This small town only has one rinky-dink restaurant. 這個小鎮只有一家陳舊破爛的便宜餐廳。