- Sofa can sit, if sit easily with respect to Zhi Zhi scroop, shake shake, it is nail work, how long of have more than is needed. 沙發可坐一坐,假如坐上一動就吱吱嘎嘎地響,一搖就晃,是釘子活,用不了多長時間。
- Like the canzonet skin that treats a hour to be able to make trouble, round-the-clock 24 hours see appetite closely, have more than is needed how long, can want you good-looking. 像對待一個時刻都會搗亂的小調皮一樣,全天候24小時把食慾看得緊緊的,用不了多久,就能要你好看。
- After the fisherman puts the pilchard that catchs into dock of piscine chamfer carry back, have more than is needed how long, pilchard is met " of die of jade of " sweet disappear. 當漁民把捕撈到的沙丁魚放入魚槽運回碼頭后,用不了多久,沙丁魚就會"香消玉殞"。
- 5, if have a very conspicuous chunk glass, so how long does have more than is needed have an individual to meet for certain by wherefrom piece throw inside glass. 5、假如有一塊很顯眼的大塊玻璃,那麼用不了多久肯定有個人會被從那塊玻璃裡面扔出來。
- He is so mean, he won't let his little baby have more than one measle at a time. 他吝嗇極了,竟然不肯讓他的小嬰孩一次出一粒以上的麻疹。
- Weighing more than is normal,necessary,or allowed,especially having more body weight than is considered normal or healthy for one's age or build. 超重的重量超過正常、必要或被允許的限度的,尤指體重超過了對人的年齡或體格來說被視為正常或健康的限度的。
- It's said that a rabbit usually will have more than one burrows. 據說兔子有不止一個洞穴。
- Weighing more than is normal, necessary, or allowed, especially having more body weight than is considered normal or healthy for one's age or build. 超重的:重量超過正常、必要或被允許的限度的,尤指體重超過了對人的年齡或體格來說被視為正常或健康的限度的。
- Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene. 改變自己往往改變更為需要。
- Is it helpful to have more than one management node for a cluster? 集群中使用多個管理節點是否更好?
- Something more than is usual or necessary. 額外物超出平常的或必要的東西
- Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter. 人腦每立方公分有一億多個細胞。
- To spend more than is prudent or necessary. 花錢過多,超支花錢超過了預算的或必要的限度
- You'll have more than enough money for any equipment you need. 你將得到的錢要比購買你所需要的任何設備的花銷多得多。
- Always do more than is required of you. 凡事永遠要超要求完成。
- Errors often have more than one component. 誤差經常有不只一項組元。
- Does "school"have more than one meaning? 「school」是不是有不止一種意思?
- A vendor may have more than one contact. 一個供應商可能有多個聯繫人。
- We have more than enough to eat. 我們吃的東西有的是。
- I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary. 我不想使這項任務不必要地複雜化。