- Let's not rush to conclusions. Just because a man has blood on his hands doesn't mean he's guilty. 咱們不要輕率地下斷定,不能因為一個人手上有血就馬上斷定他是罪犯。
- have blood on one's head 對於死亡應負責任
- But they can put you in jail for having blood on your hands! 但是他們會因為你手上粘有鮮血讓你進監獄的。
- The headquarters staff planned the action in which so many of our men were killed or wounded; the generals all have blood on their hands. 在參謀部部署的行動中,我們的傷亡很大,將軍們都自覺有罪。
- have blood on one's hand 對於死亡應負責任
- You forced me into a corner and gave me only one option. The decision was yours. Now you have blood on your hands that will never wash off. 你把我逼到了死角,我沒得選。這是你的選擇。你手上染上了鮮血,洗也洗不掉。
- Have a good head on one's shoulder. 頭腦很精明。
- have (someone's) blood on one's head 對於死亡應負責任
- have someone's blood on one's head 參照 blood
- He sketched a boy』s head on the sketchpad. (他在速寫簿上畫出了男孩頭像素描。)
- It is common to have the head of a famous person on one side. 通常在硬幣的一面有一個名人的頭像。
- One can congratulate oneself on one's victories. 一個人也可以自己慶祝自己的勝利。
- There was a smear of blood on the wall. 牆上有一片血跡。
- I want my to stop stroke, hand when a cup of water, discover its both hands carries small floodwater on low-lying land having blood on the back. 我要其停止擊打,遞給一杯水時,發現其雙手背微有血漬。
- I'm going to call on one of my former classmates. 我要去看望我的一位老同學。
- Success usually attends on one』s effort. 成功常伴隨努力而來。
- "I think the university has blood on their hands because of their lack of action after the first incident,'' said Billy Bason, 18, who lives on the seventh floor of the dorm. "我覺得學校手上沾滿了學生的血;因為他們在一開始根本沒動窩;"比利巴神;18歲;住在宿舍七樓;說.
- A coin stamped with a crown or crowned head on one side. 克朗在某一面上印有王冠或戴著王冠的頭像的硬幣
- I sweated blood on that job yet he didn't even thank me! 我累死累活地干,然而他甚至連謝也不謝我!
- Our garden is bordered on one side by a stream. 我們的花園有一邊以小河為界。