- Foot masaage with mouth for free! 免費足部按摩,足部嘴摩。
- They watched it with mouth wide open. 他們目瞪口呆地看著。
- The hostage were bundled with mouth pluged up. 人質被捆住並堵住了口。
- The hostage is roped with mouth fullfilled . 人質被捆住並堵住了口。
- The hostage was trussed up with mouth plugged up. 人質被捆住並堵住了口。
- For adult, rubber. Mask inosculate with mouth and nose. Tube. 成人使用,硅橡膠材料,面罩能與口鼻緊密吻合,輸氧管,呼吸軟管。
- Sitting on the floor worshiping LZ with mouth wide open! 坐地板上張大嘴仰視一下雲起兄!
- Methods: 11cases of fibro ankylosis of the TMJ were treated by a mouth gag to tear and relax the fibro ankylosis in general aneasthesia. 方法:選擇適當的顳下頜關節纖維性強直的病例共11例,在全麻下,使用一定強度的外力使纖維性粘連撕裂松解。
- Methods : 11cases of fibro ankylosis of the TMJ were treated by a mouth gag to tear and relax the fibro ankylosis in general aneasthesia. 方法: 選擇適當的顳下頜關節纖維性強直的病例共11例,在全麻下,使用一定強度的外力使纖維性粘連撕裂松解。
- Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of the mouth gag used in ligation of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in adults. 目的評價開口器結紮成人動脈導管未閉的治療效果。
- The patients with mouth infectio and unco cious can not use oral thermometer. 口腔有感染和昏迷的病人也不能使用口表。
- He watched with mouth agape. 他張著大嘴注視著。
- It is not good for a soul to be without knowledge, And he sins who hastens with his feet. 沒有知識對一個人完全無益,那些自我催促的人才會有過錯。
- The typical features of Termites are grayish white, no wings, soft body with mouth and short feeler. 典型的白蟻特徵是灰白色、無翅、體柔軟,有咀嚼式口器以及短觸角。
- Animals with rabies often froth at the mouth. 患狂犬病的動物常常口吐白沫。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Wash hands frequently to avoid spreading the virus by hands that have been previously in contact with mouth and nose. 注意生,經常洗手,避免將病毒從口鼻經雙手通過接觸而散播。
- Don't let your temper run away with you. 要控制住自己,不要發脾氣。
- I have a huge pile of letters to deal with. 我有一大堆信件要處理。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 這次事故我是全部親眼看到的。