n. (名詞)
- (野)兔,兔屬
- 怪人
- 傻瓜
- 坐車不買票的人
- 天兔(星)座
- 煙霧是前蘇聯研製的一種直升機
- 飛跑,疾走
swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs; young born furred and with open eyes
flesh of any of various rabbits or hares (wild or domesticated) eaten as food
run quickly, like a hare;
"He hared down the hill"
用作名詞 (n.)
- They went hunting for hares.
他們出去打野兔了。 - He took a bead on the hare and then fired.
他瞄準了野兔,然後開槍。 - A hare hopped straight into the doorway.
一隻野兔跳進了門廊里。 - The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow.
用作動詞 (v.)
- Hurry up, let's catch up the guy who hared away.
快點,追上那個逃跑的傢伙。 - He hared off down the road.
- run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 兩面討好
- hare coursing 追逐野兔
- start a hare 在討論中提出枝節問題...
- make a hare of someone 嘲弄某人
- hare-hearted 膽小的
- hare-brained 輕率的
- jugged hare 罐燉野兔肉
- Hare Krishna 克利須
- set the tortoise to catch the hare 做不可能做到的事...
- as timid as a hare 膽小如鼠
- hare off 匆匆離去(逃跑)...
- catch a hare with a tabor 敲小鼓捉野兔...
- cook one's hare before it is caught 還沒捉到兔子就要吃兔...
- The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping. 兔子睡大覺,烏龜跑第...
- hold with the hare and hunt with the hounds hold with ...
- march hare 發情期的野兔...
- snowshoe hare 【動物
- sea hare 海兔
- as mad as a march hare 非常瘋狂
I'm..haring down the hill to the bus stop.
出自: S. Barstow