- Lord Windermere. How hard good women are! 溫大人:好女人的心腸好硬啊!
- The Winter Sports division is emerging with snowboarding apparel and hard goods designed for high performance enthusiasts. 冬季運動部正在推出專為精彩表演愛好者設計的滑雪服裝和牢固用品。
- Department :Quality Assurance Location of Duty: Eurogroup Dongguan office Products to take care of: Hard goods (Luminaires, Energy Sa... 公司性質:外商獨資公司規模:20人以下經驗要求:2年以上最低學歷:專科及同等學歷
- We are the internet's premiere directory and search engine for reef aquarium enthusiasts to buy sell or trade corals, coral frags, invertebrates and new or used hard goods. 我們為珊瑚愛好者提供網際網路上最好的指南和搜索引擎,讓他們可以買賣珊瑚、珊瑚碎片、無脊椎動物和最新的耐用品。
- Senior and Junior Merchandiser positions available. The company's main product is Hard Goods such as hand tools, power tools, houseware and raw materials. 注*非電子類產品*公司的主要產品為手動工具和五金產品等非電子類產品.
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 沒有空氣調節器,在這間屋裡很難入睡。
- If you train hard, you'll make a good footballer. 你要刻苦訓練就能成為優秀的足球運動員。
- It took years of hard work to speak good English. 講一口流利的英語需要多年的刻苦操練。
- The job is hard but the compensation is good. 這個工作很辛苦,但報酬是高的。
- Give that floor a good hard scrub. 使勁擦洗一下那地板。
- John felt it hard to rig out his family. 約翰感到難以為一家大小置備衣著。
- The hard core in the party make all the decisions. 這個黨的核心成員決定一切。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷貝是出現在紙上、印刷上或圖表上的電腦輸出。
- I scrubbed hard at the stain to see if I could get it off. 我使勁擦這個污跡,看能不能將它去掉。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天緊張工作快結束的時候有些放鬆是自然的。
- He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使勁踩下煞車踏板以避免撞車。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 學好一種語言非下苦功不可。
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 讓我們在樹液堅固成團之前將之收集起來。
- He owes his opulence to work hard. 他的財富乃辛勤工作得來。
- She was trying hard to disgorge a fish bone. 她拚命想把魚刺吐出來。