- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船駛入了港灣。
- The harbor is being up with silt. 那海港被淤泥阻塞了。
- Submerged Arc of Dot-shaped Hard-facing Process Its Application in Harbor Machinery 港機漏斗襯板的埋弧自動堆焊工藝及應用
- The machinery requires constant maintenance. 這些機器需要經常保養維修。
- The pilot steered for the harbor. 領航員掌舵駛向港囗。
- It is not right to harbor vindictive feelings. 懷有報復的念頭是不對的。
- The attack on Pearl Harbor was a crushing calamity. 偷襲珍珠港(對美軍來說)是一場毀滅性的災難。
- There was very little outlay on new machinery. 添置新機器的開支微乎其微。
- There are some fishing vessels in the harbor. 港灣里有許多漁船。
- Much machinery has been installed. 已經安裝了許多新機器。
- The enemy's ships blockaded the harbor. 敵人的軍艦封鎖了港口。
- The machinery has been standing idle for months. 這機器已經閑置了好幾個月。
- Much new machinery has been installed. 已安裝了許多新機器。
- The ship was free of the harbor. 那艘船離開了港囗。
- The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor. 自由女神像聳立在紐約港。
- We have no machinery for dealing with complaints. 我們沒有處理投訴的機構。
- The old harbor is now all silted up. 舊港現在已完全被淤泥堵塞了。
- We use tractors to pull farm machinery. 我們使用拖拉機牽引農業機械。
- We left the harbor and sailed seaward. 我們離開港口,朝海上航行。
- There was a ceaseless noise of machinery. 機器不停地發出噪音。