- She told her boy not to stamp on the floor and disturb the sleeping baby. 她叫她的男孩不要在地板上走得太響,以免驚擾睡著的嬰孩。
- We drink and make noise and disturb Federico. 我們喝酒,叫嚷,打擾著弗雷德里科。
- An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views. 政治迫害表面上是開展揭露顛覆的活動,但實際上用於擾亂和削弱持不同看法的人的調查
- He put his oars in the water and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake. 他把槳放入水中,攪亂了平靜的湖面。
- The letter shocked and disturbed me. 這封信使我感到震驚和不安。
- He was much embarrassed and disturbed. 他窘得要命,坐立不安。
- He seemed both angry and disturbed. 他似乎是又氣憤又不安。
- You are a strange and disturbing man, Jeff. 傑夫,你真是個討人厭的怪人。
- He had a novel and disturbing experience last year. 去年他有一次新奇而又令人不安的經歷。
- There was too much anger and disturbance. 那有太多的憤怒和騷動。
- Data conceal, adding harass and false prevention are the important domains in image processing. 數據隱含、圖像加擾和圖像防偽是圖像處理中的重要研究領域。
- Kong: Chitty is a creepy and disturbing bird! (尊兒真是一隻奇怪及煩人的鳥鳥!
- When Paul was on his way to Damascus to harass and arrest the Christians, Jesus appeared to him. 當保羅去大馬士革逼迫和逮捕基督徒的時候,耶穌向他顯現。
- Crack down on hoarding and disturb the market, safeguarding market order. 打擊囤積居奇、擾亂市場的行為,維護市場秩序。
- Prisoners' families face continual harassment and attack. 犯人的家屬屢屢遭到騷擾和攻擊。
- Is it too presumptuous of me to come and disturb you at this late hour? 這麼晚了還來打攪您,真是太冒昧了。
- A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids. 游擊隊員以小股部隊在被佔領區內通過突然襲擊等方式侵撓或破壞敵軍的非正規軍,通常是本地的軍事或半軍事組織的成員
- A member of an irregular,usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy,as by surprise raids. 游擊隊員以小股部隊在被佔領區內通過突然襲擊等方式侵撓或破壞敵軍的非正規軍,通常是本地的軍事或半軍事組織的成員。
- Ella had a dream which was unpleasant and disturbing. 埃拉做了一個噩夢。
- Units from different guerrilla bands in the surrounding regions mobilized quickly to harass and slow the movement of the Soviets along roads leading to the panjshir. 從周圍地區趕來的各游擊支隊迅速動員了起來,在通往帕尼希爾谷地的各條大道上騷擾和減緩蘇聯部隊行進的速度。