- 他猛地一伸his hand,Silly Simon wants to catch a goldfish.
- GT-PowerGT-Power
- 您應該熟悉正在安裝的POWER系統。You should be familiar with the POWER system that you are installing.
- POWER BUILDER中狀態條服務的應用Application of the Status Bar Service in PowerBuilder
- 在POWER處理器上運行Linux有什麼優點?What are the advantages of running Linux on the POWER processors?
- 試比較strength、 power、 force、 vigour.Compare strength, power, force and vigour .
- 目前入門級pSeries伺服器的一種POWER晶元。One of the currently available POWER chips available for entry-level pSeries servers.
- 基於Power Builder的通用查詢的設計與實現Design and Implementation of Universal Query Based on PowerBuilder
- 您必須至少具有Power User特權,才能創建自定義原型。You must have at least Power User privileges to create custom prototypes.
- 產品名稱:EagleTec Power Master筆記本電腦萬用火牛適配器Product Description: EagleTec Power Master Notebook Computer Multiable Adapter
- 基於Power Extrapolation和Adaptive method的網頁評估新演算法A New Algorithm Based on Power Extrapolation Algorithm and Adaptive Method
- 另一種是國家高性能計算中心 (合肥 )的工作站 (Power PC/ AIX)機群系統 .the other is a cluster of workstations (PowerPC/AIX) which has been built in National High Performance Computing Center at Hefei.
- 這個Windows系統必須可以通過網路訪問運行管理伺服器的POWER伺服器上的Linux。This Windows system must have network access to the Linux on POWER server running the Administration Server.
- Power Pack是外接程序、控制項、組件和工具,可幫助您開發Visual Basic應用程序。Power Packs are add-ins, controls, components, and tools to aid you in developing Visual Basic applications.
- 以便在一個模擬的環境中演示SoC,或者探索完全許可版本的Power Architecture技術。To demo a SoC in a simulated environment, or just to explore the fully licensed version of Power Architecture technology.
- 在Windows中,可通過將用戶分配到組(如Administrators、Power Users等)來創建角色。In Windows, you create roles by assigning users to groups such as Administrators, Power Users, and so on.
- Power Pack提供了TaskPane控制項(參考文件TaskPane.vb),您可以使用它在解決方案中創建類似的UI。The Power Pack provides a TaskPane control (see the file TaskPane. Vb) so you can create similar UI in your solutions.
- 論文以PCU(Power Control Unit)為設計思想,設計並實現了15KVA飛機逆變電源控制保護器的研製。In this paper, it is taken an idea from PCU (Power Control Unit). The control andprotect unit have been designed and implemented.
- 「中國的汽車製造商們正努力向價值鏈和品牌定位鏈的上游進軍,」諮詢機構JD Power的邁克爾鄧恩(Michael dunne)表示。「Chinese carmakers are trying to move up the value chain and the brand-positioning chain,」 says Michael Dunne, of JD Power, a consultancy.
- 方法 經腹壁應用B超和多普勒功率圖(Doppler Power Imag-ing,DPI)對28例輸卵管間質部妊娠患者聲像圖表現進行分析。Methods 28 cases of tubal interstital pregnarcy were examined and analysed by trans abdominal B mode ultraound and Doppler Power Imaging (DPI) .