- I always rest for an hour after dinner. 晚飯後,我總要休息一小時。
- Let's stop and rest for a spell. 我們停下來歇一會兒吧!
- This wall will do as a rest for your camera. 這面牆可以作為你照相機的依託。
- The doctor prescribed three days' rest for her. 醫生為她開了休息三天的處方。
- He set down the heavy box and took a rest for a while. 他放下沉重的箱子歇了一會兒。
- Her hand rested lightly upon his shoulder. 她的手輕輕地搭在他的肩膀上。
- We'll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast. 我們將吃一點麵包,剩下的留到早飯時吃。
- The doctor ordered me to rest for a week or two. 醫生囑咐我休息一兩個星期。
- We should let this field rest for the time being. 我們應當讓這塊地暫時休耕。
- He sets down the bag and rest for a while. 他放下袋子,休息了一會兒。
- Use this shelf as a rest for your camera. 用這個架子做你的照相機的支架。
- Go home and rest for at least three or four days. 回家休息至少三四天。
- John has gone to take his rest for the night. 約翰去睡覺了。
- Her hands rested on the arms of her chair. 她的雙手擱在椅子的扶手上。
- Let' s take a rest for the moment. 我們休息一會兒吧。
- His other hand rested, frankly now, on the pistol. 他的另一隻手很顯眼地放在手槍上。
- Let the matter rest for the time being. 這事且放一下。
- Why don't we sit down and rest for a while? 為什麼不坐下來休息一會兒?
- He's go for the rest for the rest of the now. 他今天不會回來了。
- Please sit here and rest for a while. 請坐在這裡休息片刻。