- 1.to haggle over; to fuss about; to care for; to bother about; 2.to argue; to dispute3.to think over; to plan 計較
- Don't make a fuss about such trifles. 不要為區區小事而大驚小怪。
- She's kicking up an awful fuss about the high rent. 她大喊大叫地抱怨房租太高。
- Don't get into a fuss about nothing. 別沒事找事,自尋煩惱。
- You so mean to haggle over every ounce. 你可真是小摳, 這點小錢都斤斤計較。
- Let's not haggle over a few dollars. 不要為了幾元錢爭價了。
- Ll haggle over something that is not negotiable. 你會無理取鬧。
- Don't make such a fuss about a little scratch. 別為一點小小的擦傷就大驚小怪。
- You wanna haggle over the price of your French dip? 你想討價還價嗎?
- You so mean to haggle over every ounce. 你可真是小摳,這點小錢都斤斤計較。
- You make too much fuss about trifles. 你太小題大做了。
- She made a tremendous fuss about it. 這件事她鬧得滿城風雨。
- Just haggle over the price, they maybe give a discount. 你講講價,他們可能會把價錢降低。
- She will never make a fuss about trifles. 她決不會因小事而大驚小怪(小題大作)。
- If you haggle over the price, they might give you discount. 你講講價,他們可能會把價錢降低。
- You shouldn't haggle over every ounce when you do business. 你做生意不能連一點蠅頭小利都不放過。
- It's nothing to make a fuss about. 沒必要著慌。
- They have made a great fuss about nothing. 他們無中生有,庸人自擾。
- You"ll haggle over something that is not negotiable. 你會為一些不可質疑的事情辯論.
- And if you haggle!? You've got to haggle over the price. 如果你砍價的話!你得砍價。