- 談談感嘆詞wellOn the Interjection Well
- (=in fine) (拉)最後,最終in f.
- 話語標記語well"well" as discourse marker
- 如果它使用fine-grained鎖,則,If it is using a fine-grained lock
- [well etc+] 乾涸to run dry
- fine cargo (指包裝完整未受損害的貨物)凈貨
- 請你說出副詞「well」的原級、比較級和最高級好嗎?Will you please compare the adverb 「well」?
- coarse-to-fine aggregate ratio (混凝土的)粗細骨料比
- 她今天唱得和昨天一樣好。well是原級。She sings as well today as she did yesterday.
- (=doing well, improving) 完全恢復,癥狀改善DW, impro.
- Honey well DCS系統在加氫裂化試驗裝置上的應用A Honeywell DCS System Application in the Pilot Plant of Hydrocracking
- 激光切割可以製作出小至0.004"的開孔寬度,精度達到0.0005",因此很適合於超密間距(ultra-fine-pitch)的元件印刷。The minimum hole width can reach to less than 0.004" and precision is 0.0005" if we use the laser-cut way so the laser-cut is adaptable for the ultra-fine-pitch print.
- 還有很多其他的詞象well一樣,用來創造一種自然的談話氣氛,是嗎?There're many other words like well used to create that natural conversation feel, aren't there?
- 在該方案中,以MPEG-4的FGS為基礎構造了一種新的可伸縮結構(EFGS, enhanced fine granularity scalability),在EFGS結構中,基本層採用H.Building upon the MPEG-4 FGS, a new scalable framework is designed, referred to as EFGS (enhanced fine granularity scalability).
- 雙母音一個滑移的單音節言語項,它在一個母音的發音位置上或其附近開始,並向另一個母音的發音位置移動。如在boil中的(oi)或在fine中的(i)A complex speech sound or glide that begins with one vowel and gradually changes to another vowel within the same syllable, as(oi) in boil or(? in fine.
- 該戰略將通過英國心臟基金會的Well@work 計劃實施一系列鼓勵減肥項目。該基金會將為減肥員工提供獎勵。The strategy will feature a series of projects run through a Well@work scheme led by British Heart Foundation, which will offer rewards to workers who lose weight.
- 雙母音一個滑移的單音節言語項,它在一個母音的發音位置上或其附近開始,並向另一個母音的發音位置移動。如在boil中的(oi)或在fine中的(i)。A complex speech sound or glide that begins with one vowel and gradually changes to another vowel within the same syllable,as(oi) in boil or(? in fine.
- 為了滿足在Internet網上傳輸視頻流過程中對視頻編碼方法的不斷需求,運動圖像專家組制定了AdvancedSimple(As)Profile和Fine Granularity Scalable(FGS)Profile。Advanced Simple Profile and Fine Granularity Scalable Profile were developed in response to the growing need for a video coding method for Streaming Video on Internet application.
- 如果採用的是Oracle公司的資料庫產品,則可以有兩個可供選擇的產品,用以控制資料庫級的存取安全:FGA(Fine Grained Access)技術和VPD(Virtual Private Database)技術。If Oracle database is chosen, 2 ways of database-level security are supported: FGA (Fine Grained Access) and VPD (Virtual Private Database).
- 掃除陳規陋習和愚昧落後觀念,形成健康向上的價值觀念、道德規範、文化輿論和社會風尚。Outmoded regulations and bad habits as well as old backward ideology should be changed.At the same time, healthy values, moral standards, good public opinions on culture and social practices are to be encouraged.