- Seepage from land fills can pollute ground water or surface. 填土的滲漏可能污染地下水和地面水。
- Poisons used on farms and in homes can enter ground water. 在農場和家庭使用的毒物可以進入地下水。
- The quality of the ground water made some improvement. 地表水水質有所改善。
- This solution describes a spreading of a ground water mound. 這個解描述地下水丘的擴展。
- Ground water levels fall. Rivers get drier and drier. 地面水位下降。河流變得更乾燥。
- Ground water is also obtained for human use by sinking wells. 人們也通過挖井來獲取地下水以供使用。
- Ground water is usually removed by man through wells. 地上水一般是由人們從井裡汲上來。
- The flow of ground water is toward streams, lakes, or oceans. 地下水經流的方向是朝向河流、湖泊或海洋的。
- Recovery of ground water may require especially delicate tactics. 利用地下水,需要有特別完善的方案。
- Seepage from land fills can pollute ground water or surface water. 填土的滲漏可能污染地下水和地面水。
- The peak ground water level was analyzed on simulation. 模擬分析了地下水位的峰值。
- The influence of clear cutting Chinese fir plantation on the characteristics of runoff water chemistry of forestland. 與相似的文獻。
- Ground water levels fall,rivers get drier and drier. 地下水位下降,河流越來越乾涸。
- Ground water is the carrier and moving force of the mud irruption. 突泥是以地下水作為動力和載體而產生的;
- But these mineral scales act as a trap for lead only as long as they remain insoluble; a sudden shift in water chemistry can change that. 但這些礦物質積垢只有在本身不溶解的狀態下,才具有抓住鉛的能力;水中化學性質的突然變化,就可能改變這一點。
- Slow degradation of ground water quality may result from repeated use. 循環使用地下水可以導致緩慢的水質降低。
- Burial diagenesis causes a progressive transformation of smectites, the end-products being dependent on PH and pore water chemistry. 埋藏成岩作用可使蒙脫石進一步轉化,最終產物決定於PH值及孔隙水的化學性質。
- The effects of material metallur-gy, shot--peening treatment, tensile load, strain rate, cyclic load and water chemistry on the behavior ofSCC are investigated. 研究的影響因素包括材料冶金、表面噴丸處理、載荷、應變速率、循環載荷以及水化學條件對SCC的影響規律。
- Ground waters originating in different beds commingle. 來源於不同層位的地下水相互混合。
- Also,management of ground water sources in the rural area will be tightened. 另外,需要加強郊區城鎮地下飲用水源的管理。