- Great waves dashed against the cliffs. 大浪沖刷著峭壁。
- Storms sweep across it and pile up great waves. 風暴襲來會激起巨大的海浪。
- The breakwater sustains the shock of the great waves. 防波堤承受巨浪的衝擊。
- A great wave surged over the bow. 巨浪沖打船首。
- A great wave turned the boat upside down. 一個大浪把船打翻。
- Great waves formed and spread as the hulk rose to the surface. 當這巨大笨重的船露出水面時,水面泛起了巨大的波浪又向四面散去。
- A great wave overwhelmed the boat. 一個巨浪吞沒了那隻小船。
- Then a great wave seized upon him. 這時忽然一個大浪向他猛撲過來。
- The boat was overwhelmed by a great wave. 那條船被大浪淹沒。
- The shriek of death and fear rose from below like a great wave. 死亡和恐懼從下方尖叫著升起,如同巨浪,席捲過來。
- Before they reached the house, a new great wave come, sweeping down trees. 她們還未到達房子,又一個巨浪打來,大樹被衝到。
- A great wave of compassion had swept away his indifference and impatience. 一股同情的巨浪湧來,把他的冷漠和急躁情緒一掃而光。
- The panorama of mountains that spread in great waves before us caught and held me. 展現在我們面前的一片峰巒起伏的景色把我迷住了。
- While I was hailing the brig, I spied a tract of water lying between us where no great waves came. 當我向二桅船呼救時,我覺察,我和船之間的那股水流並不是洶湧的波濤。
- Great waves also is compared a moment ago billowy, pat go up in reef, splash a snow-white spoondrift. 一上馬背,就知道各人道行如何。大蝦架勢和氣度自是與菜鳥不同,閑庭信步,怡然自得。
- An old woman, her eyes wide, describes the great waves coming and everyone in Eya fleeing inland. 一位老婦人睜大著眼睛,向我描述當時巨大的波浪襲來,村裡每個人都逃往內陸。
- Where then had all the great waves gone?Barely trickling in the middle was a small stream, seeming likely to vanish at any time. 那些驚濤駭浪到哪裡去了?一條小溪在中間細流而過,好象隨時都會消失。
- Years of pass away, stay exiguity of gloomy, how many times great waves after, but discover the equanimity is what rare. 逝去的歲月,留了些須的黯然,幾番波瀾后,卻發現平靜是多麼的難得。
- "After the great Comet, the great nation will be devastated by earthquakes, storms, and great waves of water, causing much want and plagues. 「大慧星走後,偉大的國家會被地震、風暴和巨浪所摧毀,引起很多短缺和瘟疫。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父親一樣。