- During the night a great storm has arisen. 夜裡來了一場大風暴。
- She made up her mind to temper herself in the great storms. 她決心在大風浪中鍛煉自己。
- It is amid great storms that human society progresses. 人類社會是從大風大浪中發展起來的。
- There was such a great storm that all the ships were wrecked. 發生了如此大的暴風雨,以致於所有的船都遇難。
- On June 19 a great storm blew up on the Normandy Coast and raged for 4 days. 六月十九日,一場迅猛的暴風在諾曼底沿海一帶颳了起來,一連猖獗了四天。
- Supposedly during a great storm the tower just appeared on this site. 推測在一場偉大的風暴期間塔在這個站點出現。
- A great storm broke across the lake in the hour following his death. 在他死後的一小時內,一場猛烈的暴風雨席捲了這個湖泊。
- The blackest day I can remember was in the great storm of 1952 when five of our boats went down together. 我能回憶起的最為不幸的時刻是在1952年那場大風暴中我們那五艘船一起沉沒的時候。
- Successors to the revolutionary cause of the proletariat come forward in mass struggles and are tempered in the great storms of revolution. 無產階級革命事業的接班人,是在群眾鬥爭中產生的,是在革命大風大浪的鍛煉中成長的。
- Perhaps, the 「topless incident」 stirred such great storms like 「putting the cat among the canaries」, just because he is a political figure. 或許僅僅因為貝魯斯科尼是政治人物的關係,所以,這起「無上裝事件」才會掀起軒然大波。
- The blackest day I can remember was in the great storm of'52 when three of our boats went down together. 我記憶中最倒霉的一天是1952年的大風暴,那一天我們共有了3條船沉沒了。
- When a great storm threatens to destroy the ship, he confesses his fault and asks the crew to throw him overboard. 當這艘船受到暴風雨威脅將被摧毀時,他懺悔自己的過錯並要求船員將他丟出船外。
- When a great storm threatens to destroy the ship, he confesses his faultasks the crew to throw him overboard. 當這艘船受到暴風雨威脅將被摧毀時,他懺悔自己的過錯並船員將他丟出船外。
- So slope surface protection and inside bailing within great storm zone should be emphasised. 因此,暴雨區的坡面防護和坡內排水應給予重視。
- "I already many years old 60, ever had experienced countless great storms in the past, also had received incomputable honor, what I do not have promising is too ultra move. 聽到柳傳志對自己極高的評價,現任聯想集團董事局主席的楊元慶顯得有些靦腆。
- There are several buildings near the sea, the other side of the great storms, the sea breeze Cigu, I also en route from the southbound carriageway had such a cold sea breeze. 有幾座建築物臨近大海,那邊的風浪很大,海風刺骨,我在南行途中還從沒有遇到過這樣寒冷的海風。
- A great congress of the victorious allies met at Vienna to restore as far as possible the state of affairs that the great storm had rent to pieces. 獲勝聯軍的代表大會在維也納召開,他們想盡最大努力恢復被大動蕩攪得亂七八糟的事態。
- What did come, however, was a great storm that rumbled down from the High Tatras.It blew away his grandmother's cottage - with his grandmother in it. 傑克緊抓著山毛櫸的樹榦,使自己沒有被吹走,在祖母消失在他的視線之前,他大聲喊道,"奶奶,我會記著的".
- The din of a million keyboards like unto a great storm shall cover the earth, and the followers of Mammon shall tremble . 無數嘈雜的鍵盤將會像風暴一樣襲卷地球,瑪門的追隨者將受到撼動。
- The storm did a great deal of material damage. 暴風雨造成了大量物質損失。