- We must not forget about the grass roots. 我們絕不能忘記民眾。
- The senator is sure that he will get support from the grass roots. 這位參議員相信他能得到基層群眾的支持。
- The party has considerable support at grass root level. 該黨有基層群眾的大力支持。
- The party have considerable support at grass root level. 該黨有基層群眾的大力支持。
- Liu Xiang?s government fully controlled the appointment of administrative staff, and trained large numbers of grass root administrative staff in institutes of county administrative training. 劉湘政府對縣級行政人員的任用權盡量加以控制 ,通過縣政人員訓練所 (簡稱縣訓 )訓練出大批基層行政人員 ,「縣訓」出身者與劉湘政府形成一種「親密」關係 ;
- In grass root design of larger vessels and retrofit of existing ones ....... 在新建大型容器的設計和現有大型容器的改造中,.....
- These grass roots don't pull easily. 這些草根不好拔。
- In this paper the author investigated nearly 80 hospital menager s and grass root health administrative managers by a questionnaire in order to understand their opinions towards current urb... 以近80位北京市的醫院管理人員和基層衛生行政管理人員為對象進行了問卷調查,了解他們對於當前城市醫療機構改革的看法,為政府部門制定城市醫療衛生改革政策提供依據。
- These grass roots don' t pull easily. 這些草根不好拔。
- The party is losing contact with the grass roots. 該政黨正逐步脫離群眾。
- This was a grass roots campaign. 這是一場由草根階級組織的運動。
- Cadres often go down to the grass roots. 幹部常常深入基層。
- Get yourself moving and go down to the grass roots. 邁開雙腳,走向基層。
- They should ask people like us,from the grass roots. 他們應當問問像我們這樣的一般民眾。
- Grass root advocacy - developers understand the challenges and problems developers face better than anyone else. 基層的擁護-開發者比任何人更了解面對的機遇和挑戰。
- The famine victims lived on grass roots and tree leaves. 飢荒難民們靠草根、樹葉充饑。
- Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals』 sBU Chelates is constructing a grass root, state-of-the-art plant in Ningbo, China. 阿克蘇諾貝爾功能化學品部門正在寧波建設具有世界領先工藝水平的螯合劑工廠。
- Enhancement of living space and quality of grass roots community. 改善基層的生活空間及質素。
- They should ask people like us, from the grass roots. 他們應當問問像我們這樣的一般民眾。
- Work from grass roots, avoid idealism, and overcome reliant mind. 從基層做起,避免理想主義,克服依賴心理。