- Rencently, the New Public Management (NPM) started from the developed conutries has becomed the trend of government』s reform all around the world. 近年來,源於發達國家的「新公共管理」已經成為全世界範圍政府改革的趨勢。
- This year is the 20th anniversary of China' s reform and opening-up. 今年是中國實行改革開放二十周年。
- Sixthly, it contributes to the great victory and achievement of China』s reform and modern socialist construction. 六、它使中國的改革和社會主義現代化建設取得了偉大勝利和巨大成果。
- The third part: Khrushchev"s reform and adjustment did not shake the base of governance style. 第三部分:赫魯曉夫和勃列日涅夫的改革與調整並未觸及高度集權的執政方式的根基。
- The growth of the third sector forms a kind of surmounting pressure to the government, has promoted the government"s reforms. 第三部門的成長對政府形成一種超越性壓力,促進了政府改革;
- There are two-waylay inter dynamic relations between the violent development of the third sector and the swift of the global government"s reforms. 第三部門的迅猛發展和全球性政府改革之間存在著雙向互動的關係。
- How ever, it shows more and more sharp management system defects in the course of CRCC"s reform and development.It becomes focus form people"s concern. 但近年來,農村信用社在改革發展中所顯現出來的管理體制缺陷越來越突出,管理體制缺陷已成為金融界關注的焦點。
- For the sake of standing out the focal points, we only analyse the aspect of these problems which interrelating The State Enterprise"s Reform. 為保證重點突出,我們對這些難點問題的分析也僅僅限於其與國有企業改革密切相關的方面。
- State-owed economy withdraws from the general competition industries step by step since China"s reform and opening to the world. 改革開放以來,國有經濟逐步從一般競爭性行業退出,民營經濟逐步成為中國國民經濟的重要基礎和組成部分。
- Virtually the essential of the SOE's reform is that under all property being owned by public, how to endogenesis the property right basing nature person. 摘要在一切公有的傳統經濟體制下,如何內生出以自然人為基礎的產權主體,實際上就是國企產權改革的實質。
- The problems of agriculture, countryside and peasantry are important ones influencing the overall situation of China"s reform, opening and modernization. 農業、農村和農民問題是關係我國改革開放和現代化建設全局的重大問題。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 這兩種政體正好相反。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 創造就業機會是政府必須做的事。
- The corporate reconstruction of state-owned enterprises is one of the important aspects of SOE's reform, as well as necessary requirement for the strategic adjustment of state economy. 國有企業的公司化改造是國企改革的重要方面,是國有經濟戰略性調整的必然要求,有利於轉變經營機制,實現政企分開,形成有效制衡的公司法人治理結構,提高經營管理水平。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府應為他的人民負責。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力圖在這個問題上保持低姿態。
- In many countrie』s reform the experimental teaching has been incorporated into the basic education curriculum reform objectives and the purpose of teaching has been stated cleariy and specifical. 在改革中有許多國家已經把實驗教學納入基礎教育課程改革的目標之中,並對實驗教學的目的有著比較明確、具體的表述。
- The government's intervention in this dispute will not help. 政府對這場爭論的干預不會起作用。
- As the further application of China s Reform and Open Policy, medical conditions have been improved considerably in rural areas, but not too much in the minority-inhabiting regions. 目的針對改革開放以後,甘孜州少數民族地區農村醫療狀況存在的問題提出相應的建議,以供當地醫療部門參考和借鑒。