- He is well-thought-of in government circles. 他在政府各部門中很受敬重。
- He is a man of some influence in the government circles. 他是個在政府內有一定勢力的人。
- She is well-thought-of in government circles. 她在政府各部門中很受敬重。
- Immense relief spread through the high Government circles in the United States. 在美國政府的高級官員中瀰漫著無限的欣慰之感。
- There was emerging a strong current of opinion in American Government circles. 這時在美國政府內部,正湧現出一股強烈的輿論潮流。
- Stories about an early election are running rife in government circles. 政府圈子裡盛傳著提前選舉的說法。
- Some simpleminded observers fear that foreign enterprise will dominate government circles. 一些頭腦簡單的評論家擔心外國企業會左右政界人士。
- Some simple minded observers fear that foreign enterprise will dominate government circles. 一些頭腦簡單的評論家擔心外國企業會左右政界人士。
- It is apparent, however, that uncertainty prevails even in Government circles, and that experimentalism rather than a reliance on past experience in dealing with wages and prices has been the reason why the nation has been drifting into a recession. 然而,可以明顯看出,即使在政府人士中也普遍存在著舉棋不定的情緒; 同時,在處理工資及物價問題上也明顯表現出背離以往的經驗而採取實驗主義的態度,而這種實驗主義則正是使國家逐步陷入經濟衰退的原因所在。
- He is well-thought-of in government circles 他在政府各部門中很受敬重。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 這兩種政體正好相反。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 創造就業機會是政府必須做的事。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府應為他的人民負責。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力圖在這個問題上保持低姿態。
- The government's intervention in this dispute will not help. 政府對這場爭論的干預不會起作用。
- The evils ensue from lack of a stable government. 這些弊病是由於缺乏一個穩定的政府而引起的。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工業很少會發達。
- The inner circles of government. 政府中較具影響力的圈子
- His father is a big wheel in the government. 他的父親是政府里的要人。
- The two parties have combined to form a government. 兩黨已經聯合起來組成政府。