- He will give up smoking for good and all. 他再也不吸煙了。
- The plane flew round and round in wideloops. 飛機翻著大圈一圈一圈地飛行。
- He was branded as no good and fired. 他被看作是不中用的人而被解僱了。
- A baby has no knowledge of good and evil. 小孩兒不解善惡。
- I'll do it when I'm good and ready. 當一切條件俱備時,我將做這件事
- There are many gradations between good and bad. 在好與壞之間還有許多不同的層次。
- He was above all a good and tireless writer. 他首先是位優秀的、不知疲倦的作家。
- The robot has a big and rounded head. 這個機器人有一個又大又圓的頭。
- The revolving sign was spinning round and round in the wind. 旋轉的標誌牌在風中打著旋兒。
- She never learned to differentiate between good and evil. 她從沒吸取教訓,不曉得分清善惡。
- The man was dancing by himself, twirling round and round. 這男士一人獨舞,旋轉個不停。
- The discussion veered away from religion and round to politics. 這場討論從宗教問題一下子轉到了政治問題上。
- He meant to get up good and ready and take a walk before breakfast. 他的意思是即刻起床,並在早餐前散散步。
- He put the dog in a cage and the animal ran round and round in it all day. 他把狗關在籠子里,狗呆在裡面整天轉來轉去。
- Since all the maids are good and lovable from whence come the evil wives? 既然娘兒們都美好而可愛,雌老虎又從何而來?
- The occiput is distinct and rounded. 腦袋兩側和面頰直而整潔。
- He thinks the world cares little whether a man is a churchman, so long as he is good and true. 他想只要一個人慈善忠厚,誰也不會介意他是否是個教徒。
- Round and round frozen lake the children skated. 孩子們在結了冰的湖上滑來滑去。
- She had dark red curls and round green eyes. 她長著深紅色捲髮和綠色的圓眼睛。
- The skater spun round and round. 那滑冰者不停地旋轉。