- Gold point out enemy"among report peaks practise fraud too when fighting, say there is very few dead and wounded numbers they". 金指出,敵人「在報導間三峰戰鬥時也弄虛作假,說他們死傷人數寥寥無幾」。
- I twisted the pen between my fingers until it was situated just right, then dipped its gold point into the inkwell and started scribbling words on the paper. 我把鋼筆放在指間來回地轉動,最後找到了合適的握筆姿勢,接著將金筆尖浸到墨水池中,沾了沾,便開始在紙上草草地寫起來。
- Gold point small incision dual eyelid operation 黃金點小切口重瞼術
- He peered sideways up and gave a long low whistle of call, then paused awhile in rapt attention, his even white teeth glistening here and there with gold points. 他朝上方斜睨,悠長地低聲吹了下呼喚的口哨,隨後停下來,全神貫注地傾聽著。他那口潔白齊整的牙齒有些地方閃射著金光。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 簡單的試驗就能證明這是否是真金。
- The gold was glinting in the sunlight. 金子在陽光下閃閃發光。
- Yang Wei's individual all-around, parallel bars Li Xiaopeng, Chen Yibing the rings, pommel horse Xiao Qin of China are the men's team gymnastics gold points. 楊威的個人全能、李小鵬的雙杠、陳一冰的吊環、肖欽的鞍馬都是中國體操男隊的沖金點。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚藍寶石鑲在金戒指上了。
- A reliable car is worth its weight in gold. 靠得住的汽車就是無價之寶。
- She has a gold chain about her neck. 她在脖子的周圍掛著一根金項鏈。
- He is pointing down a block of granite. 他正在用銳利的工具修整一塊花崗石。
- It possessed rich mineral deposits, including gold. 它擁有豐富的礦藏,包括黃金。
- Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市場上的黃金價格暴漲。
- The arrow is pointing the wrong way. 這個箭頭指錯了方向。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那個國家好久之前就放棄金本位制了。
- The thing of luminescence is not sure all gold. 發光的東西未必都是黃金。
- Jack was decorated with a gold medal. 傑克被授予金質獎章。
- The country's main products are gold and cocoa. 這個國家的主要產品是可可和黃金。
- The general's uniform was trimmed with gold braid. 將官的制服飾有金色的穗帶。
- Copper and gold are both metals. 銅和金都是金屬。